Page 59 of The Anti-hero

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He bangs again before I turn the dead bolt to unlock it. Then I swing the door open and he comes charging into my apartment, his wrinkled face red with fury, slamming it behind him.

“You motherfucker.” He growls with rage, and I notice the way his fists clench at his sides as he paces the room. “What the fuck are you thinking?”

My face stays passive and uninterested during his rant. Crossing my arms over my still bare chest, I watch with satisfaction as he fumes.

“Say something, Adam! Goddammit.”

“What’s wrong, Dad? You didn’t bring any bouncers to hold me down while you beat the shit out of me?”

His eyes narrow. “Oh, so this is about me? Is this your way of getting revenge, Adam? Do you have any idea what this is doing to your mother?”

I laugh. “So now you care about her?”

“Don’t start with me, boy.” He has a finger pointed in my face, and I notice the way it trembles. “First, you show up with that slut at the charity event, and now you post some video of you two fucking all over the internet? Are you out of your fucking mind?”

“I’m thinking pretty clearly for the first time in my life, actually.”

My cool temper only makes him angrier, and I love having that power over him. His anger fuels something inside of me, pushing me to fight back. For the first time in my life, I don’t feel like apologizing or playing the good son. Seeing how my rebellion enrages him only makes me want to do it more.

“Do you have any idea what this is doing to our family? To me? Your reputation? Any chance of taking over after I’m gone is dead now, son. Do you understand that?”

“I don’t care,” I reply coolly, even though it feels like a lie. “I don’t care about my reputation or the family’s. And least of all yours.” I let out a chuckle as I lean against the counter, staring at him with humor.

“What about that little slut of yours? Do you care about her?”

Something in me tenses at the mention of Sage.

“We’re just having a little fun,” I reply with a smirk. “And we met because of you, so thanks for that.”

“Don’t get too attached, Adam,” he says like it’s a threat. At which I laugh again.

“You let me worry about my love life, old man.”

His anger morphs into something far more menacing. “If you care about her at all, you’ll end this now. Because I can’t ruin you, but I sure as hell can ruin her.”

Before I know it, I’m charging toward him. His back slams against the front door loudly with my forearm pressed against his windpipe.

“It’d be so easy too,” he mumbles as he struggles to push me off of him. “She has no one, Adam. No family. No money.”

I release my arm against his throat and clench my fists with the desire to punch him so hard he’d be out cold.

But like the brainwashed coward I am, I don’t.

“Do it,” he says in a cruel dare. When it’s clear my fist won’t leave my side, he laughs. “You always were a pussy. Couldn’t think on your own. Couldn’t fight on your own. Couldn’t do shit on your own. At least Isaac had the nerve to leave.”

With rage boiling to the surface, I grab him by the back of his shirt and tear the front door open, tossing him out in one quick motion. Just before I slam the door on him, I hear him laughing, and it chills me to the bone.

Then I pace my apartment in anger. I let him get to me. And I said I wouldn’t do that.

Why didn’t I say something? Why couldn’t I open my fucking mouth and threaten him right back? And why the fuck couldn’t I punch him? It’s like he has me so trained I can’t utter a single word against him or lay a single hand on him. And Ihatehim for that.

Flipping the dead bolt closed, I pick up my phone and call Sage.

She picks up on the first ring. “What’s up?”

“Let’s film another,” I say with urgency. She senses my anxiety immediately.

