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“There are plenty of those. They aren’t cooked on the rocks.”

A waitress came to our table with an electronic tablet in hand. We gave her our order. Zack chose the chicken while I stuck with the steak.

“Chicken? An unusual choice for a man like you.”

“Like me? You mean because I have a few muscles, I should eat steak?”

I giggled. “No, it’s just I always thought men preferred steak.”

“I love chicken and the idea of having it cooked on a lava stone makes my mouth water.”

I sipped at my wine while I pondered this quiet, gentle man. I liked him more than any man I had ever met, and he was the closest I'd allowed myself to a male in many years. Was I wasting my time being hopeful? Was I risking a broken heart again? I broke out in a cold sweat. I could literally feel the moisture running between my breasts.

Chapter Three


Lance and Neil were waiting for me the following morning when I walked into the office. Their faces were creased in thunderous expressions.

“Coffee first.” My tone brooked no objection and my brothers remained quiet. I threw my keys on the desk and crossed to where the coffee machine sat on a bench. I poured the thick, hot liquid into a mug and took a quick sip. “Fuck, that’s hot.”

“Did you have a good night? I assume she paid. I mean, she is wearing the pants for our business now.” Lance's tone was sarcastic and nasty.

I slammed the mug on the table a little too hard, causing hot coffee to spill out over the top. I flopped into a chair and stretched out my long legs. I had expected something like this after their reactions in Natalie's office the previous evening. After a sleepless night of tossing and turning, I was definitely not in the mood for my brother's childish theatrics.

What was it about the woman that had me so tied up in knots? I felt like a damn caveman, wanting to drag her into my bed and fuck her senseless. I had never been affected by any woman in the way this woman affected me—Not even Rebecca. There was a reason I was in my late thirties, still single and determined to stay that way. Although some fun in the bedroom was never out of the question.

I raked the fingers of both hands through my hair and sucked in a deep breath. “Be very careful what you say next because I'm telling you, I'm not in the mood for your spoilt brat attitude. Remember, it's me who controls the money, and up until now, I have been far too lax. It stops today. You will have no access to the business accounts.”

“But you can't do that,” Neil protested.

“No, you can't. It's our money from Dad that helped set this business up,” Lance countered.

I expected them to protest, and they didn't disappoint. I sighed and gulped my coffee which burned a path down my throat. “Listen carefully because I am going to give you some options. I spoke further with Natalie at dinner last night about how bad she thought our financial position is and how we should turn things around. And, before you ask, I paid for dinner from the allowance I give myself weekly.”

“So, you get an allowance and we’re to get nothing?” Lance asked.

“I draw a thousand dollars a week allowance—wage if you like. It pays for my mortgage, food, petrol, and anything else I need. Apart from when I purchased my car, which is a tax deduction because it is actually used in my job, I don't use business money for personal indulgences. You two have used business funds like your own personal money tree and it has to stop...It is going to stop. Beginning tomorrow you will both get the same wage as me. If that runs out before the end of the week, you go without.”

“I can't live on that,” Lance protested.

Neil’s horrified expression was laughable. “I pay more than that on petrol and dinners.”

“You are both going to have to decide your priorities. Before I came in today I dropped into the bank. I am now the only one who can withdraw money from the accounts.”

“You bastard. You're letting an uptight spinster decide what we can and can't have?” Neil spat.

“Be careful, Neil...Very careful.”

“He's right, Zack. It's not fair.” Lance pouted.

“No...What isn't fair is...I'm working my guts out to make this business a success and you two are bleeding it dry.”

“We work hard too,” Neil whined.

“Yeah,” Lance agreed.

“I didn't say you don't work hard but you spend too much time fucking around, indulging yourselves and the women who want to hang off you. It's past time you became more responsible with money and women.”
