Page 13 of Brave

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One point for being a sucker.

“Nice Daddies also come bearing gifts.” Holding out the small teddy bear I’d found for him, I watched his eyes widen. “And I found something else for you.”

Austin just sighed as I showed Charlie the bandage I’d picked out for him too. “It has smiley faces on it.”

Charlie marveled at his new goodies, hugging the teddy tight and forgetting for a moment that he’d been nervous around me as he held out his arm for his brightly colored bandage. Of course, it was the arm that hadn’t been smacked by a crayon at all, but that didn’t seem to matter as I put it on his forearm and gave him a gentle peck there. “There you go. Now it’s all better.”

“You didn’t even have to talk to get presents. I think I’m jealous.” Austin’s ridiculous response made Charlie giggle again and his cheeks pinked, giving him a half-little, half-sub look that was wonderfully cute.

“I like shy little boys who are sweet and shy boys who becomenot shywhen they’re feeling happy.” I wasn’t sure if that was the best way to word it, but at least I hadn’t said horny?

Charlie’s giggle said he knew what I meant, and he seemed to know how excited I was for our first…our first grown-up interaction.

Yep, not taking any chances and calling it a date until it actually happened.

Did grown-up alpha Daddies ever cross their fingers?

Chapter 4


It was going to be fine. I was just hanging out with Daddy Ansel and he’d already said I didn’t have to talk if I didn’t want to. He’d gotten me a bear and he’d kissed my boo-boos. He was patient. Yes, it was going to be fine.

I kept the reminder on repeat in my mind as I walked through the door and waved to the guy at the front desk. I still hadn’t managed to ask his name but he smiled at me and waved back before buzzing me in.

Austin might’ve introduced me the first time I’d come to the club but I’d been so stressed the details were foggy. But whether he had or not, the front desk guy either had an incredible memory in general or he knew all the most anxious subs by sight because he was always very nice. But he also seemed to have a magic button that tattled to Austin that I was coming because as soon as I walked into the main room, he was right there.

“You came.” His bright smile and enthusiasm said he hadn’t been sure if I would or not.

That made two of us, so I couldn’t really blame him. “Daddy Ansel said I didn’t have to talk. Oh, I shouldn’t call him that, should I?”

What should I call him?

Austin shrugged, not looking worried. “He’s the type to love being called Master too, if you’re feeling naughty.”

I couldn’t decide if he was trying to be helpful or kill me.

Breathe. Teddy bear, smiley Band-Aids, boo-boo kisses…I could do it.

“Do you think he wants me to be naughty?” I was feeling more panicked than logical, but my dick was already incredibly fond of him.

Austin rolled his eyes. “He just wants to get to know you. Stop worrying. You’re going to sit for a while and he’ll talk while you overthink everything and then you’ll slowly get used to him and then you’ll want to jump him.”

I really had to stop oversharing with Austin.

“I can do that.” It was my natural evolutionary process. “He’s very nice.”

Wincing, Austin shook his head. “Let’s call him patient and careful. Nice makes me worry he’s hiding bodies in his basement.”

I wasn’t sure I agreed with that. Austin probably had people in his basement and most of the time no one could call him nice. Determined and protective, maybe?

“He’s got a nice smile and he makes me want to cuddle?” I probably could’ve thought of other ways to describe Ansel but my brain started going in circles as I saw him slowly walking over out of the corner of my eye. “And he’s got a good memory because he made sure I saw him.”

That really was nice.

“Good. He only gets one shot at this.” The unspoken “or else” made me wonder what Austin would do, but I really hoped the date went well enough I wouldn’t find out.

When I wasn’t panicking, I was cautiously optimistic about the wholetalking and going out on a datepart. Austin wouldn’t let anyone take me out who wasn’t nice and he hadn’t tried to chase Ansel away. That meant a lot, but I wasn’t sure if it would help me to open up enough to show Master Ansel that I wasn’t just a painfully shy little.
