Page 15 of Brave

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“Let’s go sit down in the corner and spend some time together.” He waited there like he didn’t have a care in the world, hand out confidently.

I kind of liked confident.

It took entirely too long to make my hand obey and reach out, but eventually I did it. He was gentle and careful but not too much as he kept his grip firm. “And at the risk of angering the grand omega over there, you don’t have to cuddle me if you don’t want to, but I would love to have you in my lap if you’d be comfortable like that.”

I couldn’t decide if I wanted to laugh or just explode in an orgasm.


He was so big and he wanted to hold me.

Words weren’t quite working, so I nodded and really hoped that would be enough.

Oh, it was.

He smiled even bigger. “Thank you for trusting me, sweet boy.”

I couldn’t help the way my face started heating up but he just chuckled softly as he led us toward the other end of the room. I didn’t like having to weave our way through all the other couples and groups who were mingling around and trying to be subtly nosy, but Master Ansel had picked the best spot for a nervous sub.

The circular booth-type chairs were deep and private and tucked away under the stairs that led to the playroom on the second floor, so it was almost like a fort or nest. Just sitting in them would’ve made me feel better, but then Master Ansel sat down slowly and was gentle as he pulled me onto his lap.

He was even big enough to hide against if I got nervous.

“Can you tell me your safeword, sweetie?” Master Ansel was still very careful as he reached up and stroked my cheek, caressing slowly around my ear as I tried not to wiggle.

Yes, I could do that.

Austin would be very frustrated with me if I couldn’t.

“I use stoplight colors…Master Ansel?” Oh, that’d come out too questiony. “Sir?”

Oh, not any better.

I managed not to squirm or hide, but it was hard and my brain was starting to ask the rest of me if this had been a good idea. Before I could figure that out, Master Ansel was petting my head and stroking my back. “Deep breath for me, sweetie. Show me you’re listening to me.”


He was saying words.

Yes. I could breathe.

Just obeying him made Master Ansel smile and it put my heart back in my chest where it belonged. “Good boy. One more time for me.”

As I took another deep breath, he smiled and nodded. “That’s right. You may call me whatever you are most comfortable with. If that’s Master or Daddy or Papa or Sir or Mr. Ansel…or any number of other options, I will not be offended. First dates are about figuring things out.”

He wasn’t going to be offended.

He was very nice.

“Mr. Ansel sounds like you’re my teacher.” That thought had jumped out without me realizing it’d tried to escape, but he laughed, making me blush again.

“Is thatlittleCharlie saying that or is that naughty Charlie giving me a hint?” Master Ansel’s question had my face getting so red it hurt, and I found myself squirming as I ducked my head. He made a soft thinking sound and rubbed my back, being patient and just letting me be nervous.

Where was Austin when I needed him?

He could’ve answered it easily and probably helped Master Ansel pick out a wonderfully dirty scene.

No, I was a grown-up.
