Page 17 of Brave

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And words.

I just had to remember that Master Ansel said he was proud of me for using my words. He would be proud even if I only used a few.

“Yes, I’m sure.” Master Ansel gave me another good hug and even kissed my head, making me blush again. “I had fun coloring with you yesterday and I need more pictures for my fridge. I think coloring in your fort so I could have more pictures would be a good way to hang out.”

“I…I like coloring.” And he seemed very good at cuddling without getting handsy or bored. “I watch cartoons in there sometimes too. Austin said I need lots of safe spaces and that would be a good one. He was right.”

“Shh, don’t tell him that.” Master Ansel was looking around like he was afraid Austin would just pop up like a scary movie villain. “His head will just keep getting bigger.”

Trying not to laugh, I shrugged. “You’re probably right but I’m sure Master Silas will pop it if it gets too big.”

That made Master Ansel’s chest jerk back and forth as he tried to hide his laughter too. When he stopped, I got another hug and he tried to sound very normal. “Yes, I think Silas is very good at popping Austin.”

Now it was my turn to giggle.

Master Ansel was funny and he was patient and he didn’t mind that I had naughty fantasies. And he didn’t seem to mind that I wasn’t the most adultiest grown-up at the moment. Or that I was kind of shy.

Maybe our first date grown-up date would go good enough that we could do a little date too?

Maybe it’d go good enough that I could get a kiss?

Maybe it’d go good enough that he’d tell me more fantasies where he’d spank me?

Please. Please. Please let the date keep going kisses and spankings good.

Chapter 5


Well, he was talking. I knew he had a fort. I knew he had a dirty imagination, and I knew he was somehow good friends with the drama queen.

It was a start?

“But I’m not going to imagine Silas poppinganything, so don’t put that in my head.” I pretended to shiver, earning another laugh from the half-little, half-sub cutie on my lap. “That’s disturbing.”

More silly excitement had him wiggling on my lap again, keeping my dick hard and curious about what we were going to be getting up to. The problem there was that I had no idea what the rest of our date would look like.

Charlie gave every indication he was comfortable with me and felt safe—he’d even hidden against me when he was nervous—but he was still a mix of naughty and shy that I couldn’t quite figure out.

His whispered words didn’t help clear anything up either.

“Master Silas doesn’t mind people watching him pop Austin.” The giggled-out words sounded innocent but he was imagining something very wicked.

Maybe Austin hadn’t been exaggerating the little cutie’s preferences.

“I don’t mind watching scenes or popping in general.” That had his giggles going off again. “But I prefer not to watch the popping of someone I work with.”

He made a soft thinking sound and started petting my chest. “Austin said you were a lawyer?”

Charlie’s tone was slightly questioning, so I took it as a request for more information. “Yes, contract law. I’m not his only lawyer, so we’re not working together constantly, but it’s just enough that I see very different sides of him on a regular basis.”

“That might be weird.” Shrugging, Charlie kept stroking my shirt as he thought. “He’s always been the same person to me. Charging right in and fixing everything and being bossy.”

His description had me trying not to laugh. “You make him sound like a dirty superhero.”

More giggles escaped from Charlie and he nodded against me. “Yes, and his superpower is reading if people are Doms or subs or boring.”

“And his outfit is a ballgown?” Loving Charlie’s laughter, I pretended to think about it seriously. “Yes, I think that would look very good as he flew through the air and it would even show off his panties.”
