Page 110 of Breaking the Stallion

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For being shy to a fault most of the time, he was pretty forward with his needs. “Well, you’re young. Don’t settle down unless you find the right guy.”

“Those boys you had over here… do they like… what, you know, you like?”

So, he’d been thinking about Burke and Damon. Interesting. “Yeah, very much so. They’re both dominants. I’m guessing you know what that is.”

“I got that much from the internet. So, I can start askin’ you some stuff and you’ll tell me?”

“Yes. I will gladly tell you things. Maybe stop spying on us… at least so much.”

He stood then and held his hand to me. “That’s a deal.”

I stood, took his hand, and was surprised by the firmness of his handshake. “Deal, Joel.”

At supper—yes, I’d officially called it that—I told Noah about the conversation, and he was laughing quietly throughout. “I figured. He’s got that look.”

“He’s got the look of a young guy about to get his ass taken advantage of by some asshole.”

“Like you did?”

He’d busted me. “Yeah. I knew more than him when I got with Harvey, and I still got taken in by an asshole. I don’t want that to happen to him.”

“You’re a good guy, Eli. I think he’ll be just fine. So… he likes Damon and Burke, huh?”

“He mentioned them. And they’re looking for a permanent boy, which I don’t see Joel being. He wants to fuck around.”

“So, do they, or did I hear wrong? They aren’t after some threesome in the woods and locking the world out. We’re monogamous, honey, but that doesn’t mean we’re not unicorns.”

“I know that, Noah. Shit, even a lot of straight people are opening their relationships, but…”

“You’re worried over Joel. You’re worried for Damon and Burke. You’re worried about the world tonight. How about I take some of that worry away? You know, I was thinking about getting a hot tub. We could build a little spot on the north side of the house, right off the road, have it covered. Let’s look at some tonight, then you can suck me off before bed. I need a good orgasm,” he mentioned, and kept his tone light, but I saw the wickedness in those eyes.

“Do you? Do you,really?”

He laughed and pinched my chin. “Yeah. Got a problem?”

“No, Sir,” I said, melting at his little touch of dominance. “I’m yours to command.”

“That was just cheesy.”

“I thought so.”

He asked as he took the empty plates to the sink, “So, that hot tub?”

“Sure, that would be great, but aren’t they expensive?”

“I’m not destitute, Eli. I have money. I just don’t like throwing it around. I have probably spent more on all the kinky shit we’ve gotten in the last month than I have on anything in a long time. I save, mostly for taxes, for feed and vet bills, but there’s some left over. Why? Don’t put me on your list of worries.”

“I can’t help it. I don’t want you ever to have to worry about things. I give you enough.”

“Speaking of which, that doctor got back to me about taking you on as a client. It’s about fucking time.”

That sunk my mood. “Goody.”


I perked as much as I could at the news. “Sorry, Sir. I’ll do it. I already promised.”

“I wasn’t asking. I’m straight out telling you.”
