Page 13 of Trapped

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Devin stayed tight to the doorframe, her feet unable to move as Rey hung up and clenched the cellphone in his hand, making the plastic and glass groan before he flexed his fingers open and dialed another number. She didn’t know if she made a sound, or if it was nothing more than an Alpha’s heightened senses that had him turning to her. The lushness of his lips thinned to a hard line, muting the richness of the amber rose, but he held out his arm in invitation. Snagging hold of her as Devin tried to skirt past, Rey dragged her onto his lap and smoothed his palm over the bare stretch of her legs as he waited for the call to connect.

He didn’t need to tell her to be quiet. Instead, he leaned back in the oversized chair that only just contained his massive frame, dipping his chin down once towards his chest. An indication of what he wanted. Devin stifled her sigh, but couldn’t hide pursed lips as she leaned into him. Cheek against his chest, she sat stiff as he spoke to whoever it was on the phone. She couldn’t listen to the details, didn’t want to know. Maybe it made her a horrible person, not even giving the image of the caged Omegas further thought and her pity, but if she did, she’d go crazy.

As if he sensed her agitation, Rey kneaded her calves. His hand moved higher to her thighs before skimming fingers went to her back and dug deep into the muscles. Prying apart every knot, each tensed line, he manipulated her into a sense of quietness. Relaxing her against his larger body until Devin felt buttery soft, melting into the incredible heat of him.

Through it all, he made more calls. Muted voices proclaiming violence, shipments, cargo. The only discernable thing the low rumble of Rey’s voice through his chest, somehow never making enough sense to pique her curiosity. Just the distant thunder of it soothing away any hint of fraught emotion.

“You should have slept more, sweetheart,” he murmured against her damp hair, fingers teasing away the last vestiges of soreness from her neck. “Let’s go back to bed.”

“Please, no,” Devin whimpered, a shudder ruining his efforts as she skittered away from the looming wall of darkness in her thoughts. All of it threatening to burst free as his nails scratched a playful tease behind her ear. Fingers fluttered over the tight seam of her thighs, protective and terrified.

“Shh, none of that now.” Rey gathered Devin to his chest, carrying her back to the bedroom without making his intents known.

He stood Devin on the bed, rumbling an appreciative murmur as he whisked the sweater over her head, tossing it away to free his hands to grip her ass. Bringing her flush amid a growling demand for her to remove his shirt.

Eyes downcast, she did as she was told. Just as he knew she would. Devin tugged the plain cotton free, dropping to her knees in the tangle of sheets and blankets to work his jeans down the length of his long legs. Not until he’d buried them beneath the sticky layers of fabric, Devin’s body wedged half beneath his, did she realize he meant sleep. Fingers working against her scalp, he purred long and loud for her. Easing her towards the quiet darkness as he pushed the sound deep into her side.

“You’re mine, sweetheart,” he murmured against the shell of her ear as Devin teetered at the edge of her dreams. “Soon, you’re going to realize that, too.”

Chapter Five

A week passed with Rey as an annoying constant. When she opened her eyes, he was there. He shared her showers now, admonishing her for the way she scoured herself. They both knew why, and yet he pretended otherwise. Devin often wound up on his lap with him feeding her during their shared meals.

It was disgusting, and she hated it. Hated it more that he won every single time she tried to hold out. He soothed away her temper, her vicious words buried beneath the rumble of his purr. He kept her off balance at all times, never losing the tight control on his emotions as he had before. Rey smiled at her outbursts of rage and cuddled her closer.

Each day, he made her say it. That she was his, making her call out his name. He’d spend hours using her body against her, turning traitorous instincts into a cruel weapon. And each time, it became harder and harder to cling to her fury.

Today she sprawled over his legs on the new couch now saturated with their mingled scents, face tight against the hard planes of his stomach. She breathed him in as she licked away the taste of strawberries lingering on her lips. Above her, he worked his phone one handed, his other fingers tangled in her hair to scrub at her scalp.

“I have business tonight. Can I trust you to be quiet and calm?” Rey smoothed back the dark cloud of her hair to tip Devin’s face up to meet his hooded gaze.

“Does it matter?”

Rey’s brow furrowed and his hand tightened in her curls. Not quite painful, it made do as a warning. “Yes, it matters.”

“Not tired of me yet, then?” Devin couldn’t believe the words tumbling over her lips despite the greasy calm sliding through her. Belly full of his come, coated in his scent, she’d been docile in the days before at this point. “Afraid they’ll throw me in that container if I’m disgusted by it all, and you won’t get to have any more fun?”

“Not funny.”

“I’m not trying to be.” Jerking her shoulder hard where the weight of his arm thought to keep her prostrate before him, demeaned by the submissive posture, Devin crawled backwards to hands and knees. She could rip her hair from his hand, tear the silken strands from his grip, but the pain wouldn’t be worth it.

“You don’t care about me, so please do us both a favor and stop pretending that you do,” Devin continued, forcing her gaze to meet his despite every instinct screaming at her. To avoid the dark promise in his eyes, the warning of his lowering brows. “If you’re concerned that I’ll choose death over this, then you better come up with a better plan than to drag me around like a dog on a leash. I’ll take the first opportunity. If I can bring you down with me, all the better.”

She hadn’t meant to be so frank. The words crashed into the air, smothering all the oxygen from the room as Devin waited with body tensed. Shaking, she tried to anticipate the pain and brace for it.

“You don’t mean that.” His surprise seemed genuine, concern clouding his stern features even as he reached for her. His devastating purr worked through the crackling static of her resentment while he dragged her back against his body.

“You knownothingabout me,” Devin hissed in a faltering whisper, already losing the battle, the war long since abandoned. “You can use my body against me, but by the Gods, you do not knowme.”

“I know plenty about you.”

Devin’s laugh came out as a sob, watching her fists twist in the loose fabric of his open shirt. She clung to him as he settled her weight against his chest so she couldn’t avoid the thundering resonance.

“You hate that you want it, but can’t explain why you open at my touch,” Rey said through the elongated purr, sliding his hands down her back to dip between her thighs. On cue, she spread wider, hips tipped to ease his access.

“It’s because you use biology—”

“We both know you responded to me from the very beginning,” Rey husked as he arranged her over his thighs. Fly still open, it took nothing for him to tug out the hardening length of his cock. Angling it between spread lips, he guided her to rub against him. “Do you know why, little one?”
