Page 23 of Trapped

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“What have you done to me,” she whispered, trying to withdraw from his physical presence as much as the writhing heat coiling through her chest.

“Come to bed, sweetheart.”

Devin shook her head. Sobbing as she rose from the chair, she stumbled into his side. Shoving at his bulk even as she pressed her body closer. He silenced her devastated wail with a savage kiss as he lowered their bodies into her nest.

Though she arched and moaned at his call, he couldn’t stop her tears. Ripping at his clothes to suck and bite at his skin, they fell in icy rivulets. As he entered her, the slick glide of his flesh more than proving her readiness, she sobbed.

She wept through it all.

He crooned over her with promises of gentleness, lapping up her misery. Giving her no mercy as he devastated her one tender caress at a time.

Chapter Eight

Devin hummed low in her throat as Rey scrubbed the pads of his fingers against the back of her skull. A distracted caress as he shuffled papers on the desk. Curled up in his lap like some cat while he worked, it was the only way she remained calm.

Docile, more like it. Mindless, if she was being honest, but even that was becoming harder to come by. Those first days after the claiming had been terrifying. Her will was nothing against the stalwart walls of his. Crushing her thoughts, drowning her in his command. She walked through the world in a rosy haze that whispered sweet words of compliance.

It worked, for a time.

In infinitesimal increments, she’d prevailed. Starting with something as simple as donning a pair of underwear without his say so, it progressed until Devin lashed out. Snarling her own demands in his face as he bellowed his rage at her lack of obedience.

He’d drag her back to the bed then. Fucking her until the world tripped and tilted on its axis. The rosy haze descended for a short while afterwards.

Now he needed direct contact. His every touch, each caress keeping the frenzied screams and clawing fingers subdued. While other Alphas would have had their Omegas languishing in the nest awaiting them, he dragged Devin with him on the smallest of errands. Incapable of leaving her alone for fear of the damage she’d cause, either to herself or anyone around her.

Devin chuckled at her thoughts, ignoring the prickling at her nape when he gave her hair a sharp tug.

She’d shattered the mirror in the bathroom already. An entire stack of plates meeting a similar fate, though he hadn’t gotten to her before she could pull the jagged edge of ceramic over the inside of her wrist. Plucking at the brilliant white gauze circling her arm, she curled her lip when he gave her curls another pull.

“Stop that,” she hissed, trying to slide from his lap. Shoving at his arm, she twisted despite the fistful of curls he held.

“Come here.”

“No! Let me go.”

Rey cursed under his breath and dragged her back behind the desk when she edged around the corner. Controlling her by his grip on her hair, he bent her forward, shoving the waist of her leggings down to her knees. Ignoring her growls and the bite of her nails, Rey notched the glistening crown of his cock against her. Driving into the hilt with a single thrust, he slapped his other hand over her mouth to muffle her howl of pleasurable pain.

This she hated most. The way her body betrayed her so readily. Back arching, sending her to tiptoes to take him deep. Palms stuttered over the gleaming wood to shove back into his cruel thrusts. With her mouth covered, Devin didn’t try to hold back her cries as the sinuous heat suffused her, her moans crumpling into guttural grunts as he knocked the breath from her lungs. Giving her no mercy, he dragged her up the ragged, steep hill of her pleasure. It was brutal, fast, but he still made sure she came each time. Turning her body against her, using it as a weapon.

“This time,” he growled at her ear, his chest holding her to the desk so his hand could slip down between her legs. Thumbing her aching clit with rough circles, making her clench around him as pleasure rippled up her back and down to her toes. His other hand cupped her belly, fingers splayed wide over the faint bulge of health. Threat and promise both as he shoved deep into her clutching depths, grinding against her cervix. “This time you give me what I want.”

Devin shrieked her denial, though her legs spread wider. With her hips tipped up, she gave him space to plunge deeper with every savage slap of his hips against her upturned ass. Neither worried about the feral sounds they made, who might hear them. Rey’s single-minded intensity poured through the sticky bond, a molten wave drowning Devin in his will.

Sobbing against the tear slick wood, she lunged towards the endless abyss he offered. An explosion of white-hot light ripped through her as she fell from the teetering precipice. Pussy a wet mess of contractions, she gripped his cock tight. Screaming when it refused to bring her the mindless haze, she convulsed as the violent pleasure tore through her.

A feral monster at her back, Rey denied her the swollen thickness of his knot. Working it in and out of the tight clench of her entrance, he roared his demands against her skin, scoring her flesh with his claims. Making her feel his need down to her very soul before he forced the throbbing girth inside her. Reveling in her shrill screams before he locked tight behind her pelvic bone. Filling her with the hot surges of his come, he pinched and twisted her clit. Forcing her to take more of the unrelenting bliss, molding it into an agonizing rush.

When the knot abated, he began again. Rocking against her in slow, steady sways until Devin hiccupped and pushed back to meet him. Demanding more, praying he wouldn’t listen. The flash of his teeth was equal parts grim desire and savage determination.

Eons passed before Devin collapsed to the sweat slick wood. Lungs working like bellows to suck in air tainted by their sex, honey sweet espresso bathed her insides with every breath. She felt boneless, leaden with the weight of the orgasms he’d coerced from her body.

“Fuck, you feel so good,” Rey rasped against her shoulder, sounding just as wrung out as Devin felt. Tearing at the peeling edges of her bandage, he brought his claiming mark out into the open and ghosted his lips against the raw edges of the bite. “Take it all, sweetheart. Squeeze my knot.”

Her groan rattled around her chest as her body jerked with a painful aftershock, muscles seizing around the still expanding bulge. Twisting it in the wet grip of her body to urge more of his seed to batter her tender cervix.

A male voice neared. Panic skittered up Devin’s spine, the vulnerable position of them both driving away the soul sapping languor. Within seconds her pain receptors flared to life, the agony of being fucked hard and knotted too often slamming through her hips.

Either too caught up in the pulsing of his cock or uncaring of Devin’s fear, Rey’s reaction was to subdue. Hand folding over her nape, he slammed her back down onto the desk with a vicious growl rumbling from deep in his chest. When she dared to whine, a faint twitch of her shoulders her only real resistance, he leaned much of his weight on the delicate column.
