Page 24 of Trapped

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“I’m telling you he’s busy, but hey, you want me to interrupt him, I will. Yeah, hang on.”

It was Beau. The door opened to give Devin a front row seat to the widening of his eyes, nostrils flaring as his cerulean gaze swept over Rey and Devin both. She saw the bulge growing in his slacks, straining against the zipper until it threatened to rip its way free.

Rey bellowed something, but the crimson shaded anguish deep inside her stomach overwhelmed Devin as he tugged at the knot. Wheezing as she tried to breathe through the pain, her nails gouged the warm oak as her hands fought for purchase.

“Here he is,” Beau said into the phone before tossing the cell across the room to clatter against the desk at Devin’s side. “It’s Kahler.”

The bastard didn’t leave. Leaning back against the doorframe, he massaged his erection through the fabric of his pants and eyed Devin with a hunger she could feel even at that distance. Horrified that Rey became so distracted as to take the damned call, slapping a muffling palm over her mouth when she tried to protest.

“What the fuck—Yes, of course. I’ll have them out as soon as it gets dark…” Rey adjusted his position, pushing deeper to wedge Devin tighter against the desk, stopping her wriggling. Ignoring her shrill wails as he listened to Kahler. “It’s going to cost. Moving a shipment during daylight… Yes, I understand. I’ll need more men to move that amount. I can have mine at the docks within the hour. Beau and I will figure out how to get everything there.”

Rey’s shoulders twitched at whatever Kahler said before the definite sound of an Alpha’s roar echoed through the tiny speaker. Snared between the shifting knot and Beau’s massive form coming closer, Devin couldn’t begin to decipher what Kahler had threatened.

“Rey,” she whined as he took his hand from her mouth, the sound coming from deep in her chest as she tried to meld into the warm, wet wood. Eyes rolling, she tried to keep the monstrous pale Alpha in her sights as Rey continued to hold her down.

“Back off, Beau!” Rey’s growl twisted into a prolonged groan, his hips moving in twitching thrusts as fear tightened Devin’s hold on the knot.

“You sure?” Careful strides brought Beau alongside Rey, lips working over sweat sheened ochre skin as he settled a hand low on Rey’s back. A faint push grinding him deeper into Devin.

Devin keened at the too much sensation, the edge of the desk digging hard into her mons to add pressure to her tender clit. Beau’s gentle push and tug of Rey’s hips with the smallest of touches, causing him to sway. A slow rocking that lit Devin on fire.

“Stop, please,” she sobbed as she slammed her fists into the hard surface.

The pain stopped as soon as it started. Wet warmth covered the whole of her pussy, sucking, licking. Pulling tender folds into a ravenous mouth that played over the frilled edges with surprising dexterity. From top to bottom, that tongue licked, and judging from Rey’s stuttering groan, it went far beyond her pink flesh. She shrieked more in surprise than pain as Rey tugged his hips back, taking her with him as he kicked her legs wider. Making space for the slide of expensive fabric against her inner thighs, the rough rasp of stubble tickling at her labia.

“No,” she screamed. At least, she meant to. Didn’t know if the word escaped her throat as Beau’s lips closed around her clit. He sucked hard at the pert nub, tongue lashing it with furious determination. Her breath hitched, a shiver racing down her spine and threading its way to her toes. Rey grunted, fingers curling around the shelf of her hips in a bruising grip as he edged in and out of her wet heat. The knot was softening, their combined fluids leaking out around the thick bulge.

Beau’s moan was a terrible thing. Brimming with painful need and greedy desire. His lips smacked against Devin, sucking at her entrance and the still swollen root of Rey’s cock as he swallowed the creamy liquid escaping her. Beau’s hand wrapped around her thigh, gripping the soft flesh to pull her open so his tongue could delve deep. His other arm curled around her, and as she felt the thick muscles of his forearm shift, Rey swayed with a gentle pull.

Beneath his guiding hands, they began to move. Devin aghast at the shimmering fire rocketing through her belly and chest, toes curling to grip the firm planks while pushing at the desk. Meeting Rey’s careful thrusts as the knot pulsed. The sodden sounds of their flesh coming together underlined with Beau’s quiet rumbles, his pleasured sounds coating the back of her throat with cinnamon and spice.

In that precise moment, he didn’t terrify her. Not as Rey dug his fingers into her hips, yanking her back into him. Melding their bodies together with a slow grind before leaning over her back to score her spine with kisses that bloomed in ragged pulses of fire.

Not until he slipped to a shallow depth and rubbed the coarse stubble of his cheek against her outstretched arm.

“I want it soaking,” Rey growled, and it was Devin’s only warning before a thick digit slid through her folds.

Callused fingertip prying at her entrance, Devin whined as Beau worked his finger inside her. Sliding it in and out of her alongside the shallow rocking of Rey’s length. Breath stuttering, she tried to twist away from the too much sensation. Brought back by two sets of hands and a furious snarl between her legs.

Before Devin could so much as blink, Beau’s head rebounded off of the heavy wood with a solid thump. Rey’s hand fisted in the golden locks, wrenching the other Alpha’s head back hard on the suddenly vulnerable column of his neck.

“You’re going to let her ride that pretty face, and you’re going to make sure she enjoys it.”

Beau’s lashes fluttered, hiding away some thought before he opened his eyes and gave a jerky nod. Licking at the sheen covering his lips, he dragged the sweet slick from his cheek and chin to suck it from his fingers.

Tension slipped up her spine as Rey yanked Beau’s head forward, mashing his nose and mouth against her tender folds. A single whine careened from the depths of her chest as she felt lips open wide around her. Imagining the rending power of his teeth, she jolted when nothing more than the sucking heat of his mouth covered her once more. His growl was unadulterated pleasure, the sound resonating through pink flesh.

Devin’s cry stumbled, tripped, and crashed into a guttural moan as Beau focused his attention on her clit. Her hips rocked forward, legs shuffling outwards to give the broad expanse of his shoulders more room as Beau began to feast on her in earnest. His agile tongue slid beneath her hood to drive the soft point against the aching nub. As if to reprimand her for not giving him her attention, Rey slammed into her, driving so deep her clit was pulled from the hard suction of Beau’s lips. Devin’s mouth opened on a primal scream that echoed through the room.

“You thank your Alpha,” Rey rasped at her ear, teeth catching at the soft skin before he worked his way down her neck to his mark. Setting his teeth over the throbbing wound, he licked at the mutilated flesh.

She did thank him. With her trilling cries and ragged moans as she lurched between the two males. Rey’s powerful thrusts sending waves of liquid heat spiraling through her entire body as Beau’s mouth had threads of fire wrapping tight round her trembling thighs.

The wet, furious dance between them suffused her with molten energy. It carried her high on scorching drafts, tumbled from one incredible pleasure to the next. As if they had to outdo one another, a competition that everyone won. On a shrill cry, Devin’s hand shot down to the back of Beau’s head. Grinding against the hard tip of his tongue as fire pooled low in the cradle of her hips. The impending plummet threatening with every loud slap of Rey’s hips, his glistening head working hard at her bruised cervix.

“Fuck me! Please, give it to me,” Devin sobbed, and this time there were no tears. Arching her back, she presented to Rey. Giving him her submission as Beau assaulted her clit with tongue and teeth.

Agonizing pleasure exploded through her, pulling every muscle tight. Her body convulsing as it blasted through her in brilliant white shock waves. She would have collapsed had they not held her. Forcing her to take more of their need. Beau’s hands spreading her open, pulling swollen flesh wide so Rey could watch his cock sink deep into the rosy pink of her entrance.

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