Page 25 of Trapped

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Dissolving into bone shuddering contractions, she begged. Pleaded for what she needed as Rey teased her with the swelling base of his cock. As if planned, Beau sucked her clit hard, biting down on the aching bundle of nerves just as Rey slammed the knot deep. Both of them grinding against her, giving her nowhere to go as she jerked and twitched in the violent throes of excruciating bliss.

Everything shattered in the brilliant white searing the backs of her eyelids. Plummeting her into a molten fire that sucked at her. Ripping away flesh and bone, leaving her soul adrift until she was cocooned in espresso and strawberries spiced with cinnamon.

* * *

Devin hummed as she came awake, fondling the rumpled front of a shirt stained with her slick. Pride swelled through her, but her deep inhale brought all the wrong information. Cinnamon and hot spices made her tongue tingle, scratching at the back of her throat.

“Be still,” Beau said in a tone a hairsbreadth away from a growl. “He’ll be back in a minute.”

Tongue heavy and thick in her mouth, it refused to form the multitude of questions banging around her skull. Devin screamed at her limbs to comply, but managed nothing more than a weak twitch, her arm sliding from its perch on his chest to dangle towards the floor. Everything overwhelmed, from the fine weave of his damp shirt to the blood pounding away at her temples. Too much sensation, overloading her senses to the point of pain.

“I said, be still!”

Devin whimpered. She couldn’t move, but the fear dumping adrenaline into her bloodstream made her heart race, breaths coming in shaky gasps. She couldn’t believe Rey had left her with him, that he’d be so careless of her. Tears sat thick on her lashes before they slipped free as she wondered if Rey had given her back to him.

“Fuck, just… calm down, okay? He didn’t want you to wake up alone after… that.” Beau let out a gusty sigh, hand slapping down on Devin’s back.

He cringed at her strained whine, touch gentling as he rubbed at her back. Strong, firm strokes that somehow didn’t add to the mayhem crashing around her body. Managing to look around, she would have jumped up and ran if she could have moved more than the tips of her fingers. Sprawled on top of Beau as he lounged across the two chairs before Rey’s desk, he cradled her body against his. She was naked, and while he still wore clothing, most of it hung open. The solid nudge at her hip when he shifted proved his cock was out and hard, digging into her skin.

As if he could read her thoughts, Beau slid her over, away from the part of him that promised nothing but violence and pain. “Never mind that.”

Devin didn’t trust whatever this was. Didn’t understand how Rey could do this to her. She wasn’t a good mate by his standards, she knew that. But this? It was impossible that he’d throw her into the gaping maw of this particular wolf. Yet an icy finger scraped down her spine, warning her of the tortures to come.

“I thought he was going to rip my head off,” Beau murmured, twisting a sweat dampened curl around his finger. “I think it surprised me as much as you when he shoved me down there.”

Devin sniffled as she gathered every last molecule of warmth and safety around herself, pleading with the virulent heat in her chest to come back, to keep her safe. Yet… Devin had to admit that despite the fear Beau engendered, she hadn’t been this calm since Rey claimed her. She wasn’t biting and clawing, wasn’t trying to end herself. And stranger still, felt no urge to.

Oh, she still wanted to gouge out Beau’s perfect blue eyes, but it could wait. For now.

“Do you like that thing he does, when he grabs your hair and makes you arch all the way back?” Beau patted her head, managing to be patronizing and cruel in a single action. “He perfected that with me, you know.”

“You see, bitch,” he continued after shifting Devin around until she had no choice but to meet his icy blue gaze, “I picked him up off the ground. Dusted him off and made him the man he is now. For whatever reason, he’s decided he needs your cunt in his life, enough so he’s fucking claimed you. I should have done something more drastic before it got to this, but… Well, now it’s done.”

Devin’s breath left her in a shaky rush as she realized what he meant. He would have killed her outright, money be damned, if he’d known Rey was heading in this direction.

“If you think I’ll let you destroy him, though, you have another thing coming. An Alpha can survive the loss of his mate, given the right motivation. You remember that the next time you’re tempted to rip him all up inside, all right?” Giving her his most charming smile, Beau pushed the hair back from her face, working the fluffy mass into a loose tail at her nape as Devin tried to squirm away from the dark promises in his eyes. “I’m not going anywhere either, baby. He may want you, but don’t forget he let me in. I’ll eat that slit if it means I get what I want. Understood?”

Devin gave a jerky nod, a shiver making her entire body shake. Tutting, Beau gathered her against him, wrapping her in the steel cage of his arms. There was nothing comforting in the way he played his fingers over her spine, nails scratching at the delicate vertebrae.

It took Rey longer than a minute to return. Devin watched the fancy mantel clock behind his desk tick, counting down every second as if her life depended on it. In more ways than one, it did. The raging, feral thing inside of her might be sated for the moment, but she still needed Rey. Felt the loss of his scent and warmth as if her lungs couldn’t get enough air.

Beau’s presence didn’t help anything.

When the door swung open, Devin leapt to her feet. Shoving Beau’s arms away, she rushed towards the widening gap to throw herself against Rey’s chest. Evil warmth coiled tighter around her heart as his arms came around her, lifting her off the ground to dangle helpless in his embrace.

“What the fuck did you do?” Rey’s growl was a thing made of pitch and shadow as it sliced through the air in Beau’s direction.

The seconds dragged out like hours, Beau’s silence tense. A ticking bomb waiting to explode, taking them all down in the ensuing blast. A painful twist around her heart, something trembled through the bond Rey had squeezed down so tight she could scarce feel him anymore.

“Nothing,” Devin mumbled against his chest, tongue darting out to taste his skin where his shirt remained unbuttoned. “I just… I mean, I…”

Palming her backside, Rey hiked her up so that their eyes were level. The rich brown of his gaze searching hers for the hint of a lie. Devin gnawed at her lower lip, uncertain as she pet at his shoulders and neck. Though the tension in his muscles loosened and the tightness around his eyes faded, he didn’t relax his hold. He took Devin around the desk, settling her on the cold surface as he took his chair. Rolling forward until he could sit between her legs, he slid his hands from ankle to hip just to feel her skin.

Shirt tugged off his bulky frame, he wrapped it around her shoulders and tucked her arms into the sleeves. Grumbling about torn clothing he’d just purchased, he kicked the ruined leggings and sweater away, and he turned to her with a lopsided grin that said he didn’t mind at all.

Cupping his jaw in her hands, Devin tipped his face up to hers. She leaned down to brush a kiss against his lips.

“I want to go home now,” Devin whispered into the quiet.
