Page 26 of Trapped

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Chapter Nine

They left Beau behind, though Devin peered over Rey’s shoulder as they left the office to see the tightening of the thin skin around Beau’s pale eyes, the twitch at the corner of his lips.

He expected an invitation.

Devin hid her frown against Rey’s neck, not wanting to start a fight. Not yet. This was… too much. It’d been overwhelming enough before, but the thought of both of them now that she was Rey’s mate soured something within her. She believed Beau cared for Rey, that they had something very real before she showed up on their dance floor. It was just as Rey had said, though. That was then, this was now.

“I know you were scared, sweetheart. What did he do,” Rey asked as he took her out into the frigid night.

Autumn was coming fast, the heat of day vanishing by the time the sun went down. She’d need to ask Rey for a real coat if she was going to be dragged everywhere with him. This nonsense of wearing his clothes was becoming tiresome.

Taking a deep breath, Devin gave her head a terse shake to gather her rambling thoughts and leaned back as Rey settled her into the passenger seat. Fingers running down his arm as he latched her belt, she allowed herself to feel a morsel of pleasure. “It scared me when I woke up and you weren’t there. I… I thought maybe you had… Maybe you got tired of me or, I don’t know, loaned me out.”

“You are mine,” Rey roared in hushed tones, inches from her face. His hands began to grab, pulling at the loose folds of his shirt around her. Baring her body to his gaze, he started to climb in after her.

“Rey! Please, not in a Gods’ damned parking lot,” Devin hissed, slapping at his shoulder when he shoved the seat back as far as it would go, and still there wasn’t enough room for all of him. “You let him do that to me, and I didn’t know what was going on, okay? I was scared that everything had changed again. Do you not get that? I like order and routine. Ineedthings to be clear and everything since I stepped through those damned doors has been anything but!”

He’d paused during her tirade, too close for comfort but coming no further. Kneading at the swell of her hip, he considered her for a long moment before tugging the shirt back into place. He said nothing as he closed her door and got in on the driver’s side. The silence stretched in gooey strands as he pulled onto the street.

“Did you hate it,” he asked as they rounded a turn that sent his features into darkness. Hiding his expression from her, he gave no clues for the answer he expected of her.

“In the moment? Not after it all started. Now? I don’t know.”

“Do you hate him?”

“He loves you.” And there was the thing that grated at her. No matter what Beau said about Rey’s feelings for him, it was his love of Rey that bothered her most. All of that Alpha jealousy and protectiveness Rey heaped upon her shoulders was no different from what Beau felt for Rey.

“That isn’t what I asked.” Rey’s hand found her thigh, fingers digging deep as if he could squeeze the answer from her.

“He brutalized me. Hurt me, beat me, raped me. He let others do much of the same—”


“You said you wanted an answer! Make up your mind.”

“I need you to tell me if he needs to be dealt with, Devin.”

Devin’s breath died in her chest. Nothing dared to even twitch as she played his words over and over in her mind. He’d called her by name, something he hadn’t done in far too long unless he was furious with her. A cautious touch to the fiery snake ensnaring her heart, and she let the held breath out in a hard puff.

A wealth of sensation and emotions crushed her under their weight, flooding her every sense until she scrambled for some physical handhold in the riptide of otherness. Rey’s hand caught hers, dragging Devin across the console until she was curled up tight between him and the steering wheel. Purring so loud the windows rattled, he clamped an arm around her to push that glorious sound into her body.

“Shh, sweetheart. It’s all right.”

“No, no, no,” Devin hissed through gritted teeth as fire licked at the base of her skull, twining around her spine until it pulled into a painful arch. It was too much, searing away layers of thought and flesh with wild, unrestrained glee. It ripped her apart from the inside out, decimating mere things as a sense of self. Clawing its way free of her chest, shattering ribs and gouging out her heart.

“Stop fighting it,” Rey snarled against her cheek, slamming on the brakes after jumping the curb. Both arms now around her, he tightened his hold. Crushing her into the deep resonance of his purr, trying to calm and soothe as the frenzy consumed her.

She wanted it. Needed it. It was the only thing holding her together as everything splintered into glittering shards. Slicing her open, flaying her alive as the intensity of him flooded through her. Devin sobbed as she writhed in his implacable hold. She twisted so she straddled him, legs jammed at awkward angles against the car as she settled on his thighs.

“Fuck, sweetheart,” Rey ground out from deep in his throat, though he helped her with the zipper on his pants, tugging his cock free for her.

Devin sat hard on him, head slamming back against the visor as the punishing length of him went too deep, too fast. Unable to stop as the cascade of sensations crashed together. She didn’t know what was her and what was him. Couldn’t extricate herself from the molten tide of Rey as the bond burrowed deeper than ever. Gnashing at her very soul, it sought to destroy her. Complete and utter decimation.

Screaming, she lunged forward, ripping his shirt away. The urge was primal. A dark and wet hunger that gleamed crimson with the shimmering layers of society stripped away. Without thought, she sunk her teeth deep into the stretch of flesh where neck and shoulder met. Her bite melted through the bulging muscle, blood flowing over her tongue and lips. It smeared between their bodies as Rey roared beneath her. Grabbing her hips, he worked her up and down his cock. Setting a brutal rhythm neither of them could withstand for long. He bucked up into her once, twice. The knot growing huge as he ground it deep inside of her.

Devin shrieked and jostled as overwrought nerves exploded. The strange, new sensations compounded the violent pleasure she could never have prepared for as she felt every thick surge wringing his spine. Squeezing him tight, she felt it all through him even as her own body convulsed with every desperate twist of muscle. The rippling contractions of her pussy pulling at the pulsating knot, the almost painful sensation as his come bathed her insides.

The snake twisted deeper, bathing her in fire and agonizing bliss as it lashed at her insides. It was different now. It didn’t seek to rend and tear. Knitting the fractured pieces of her soul back together, it sought to mend. The delicate golden warmth a tight seam over the shattered expanses of her mind. Binding him to her. Claiming the Alpha as hers.
