Page 61 of Forfeit

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“Fuck her?”

“That is not the solution to everything, Beau.”

“Works for me.”

Devin felt the twitch of Beau’s shoulders, but she strained to bury herself deeper in the blackness of her thoughts. She didn’t want to feel their concern. Didn’t deserve it.

“Devin, sweetheart, please,” Rey whispered against her crown, hands tucked under her arms to drag her back into the light.

Ignoring her plaintive whines and wretched sobs, he gave a vicious snarl and curled himself around her. Arms locked tight about her body, he crushed her to him. Squeezing what little air made it into her lungs until Devin gasped and sputtered.

“What more do you want from me, Devin,” Rey demanded, burying his face against her neck with a full body shudder. “You can want him all you want, but I’m not giving you up.”

Beau slid out from beneath the blankets. Gave Devin’s cheek one last glancing touch before he disappeared into the shadows of the bedroom.

“Do you hear me? You’re mine.” Rey’s voice was rough with things Devin couldn’t comprehend. He growled deep in his chest, clutching her all the tighter as she strained to be free of that nameless something. “I don’t care what you want. You’re just going to have to make peace with it. You’re my mate, and I’ll be damned if I let anyone else ever have you. You’re staying right here with me.”

This wasn’t right. Not at all what she expected to fall from his lips as they moved against her cold skin. She shouldn’t be surprised. He was Alpha through and through, powerful in ways she’d never grasp. He wouldn’t lock her away, no matter how much he hated her. His power was tied to her in some twisted way, and there would be more children for him to pry from her body. An Alpha’s legacy was important.

The purr was a violent thing, shoved deep into her body by his nearness. Impatient hands tore at their clothes, ripping them away until Devin couldn’t help but warm against the sizzling heat of his body. Rey’s touch was rough, calloused as he stroked every inch of her, petting at her until Devin’s legs unfurled, arms unlocking from their death grip.

She never could deny him for long.

Devin hated herself all the more as she sunk deep into the comfort he offered.

* * *

Weeks passed with little change. Devin shuffled through the fading grays of her life, moments of brilliant color underscored with Rey’s vicious presence. His comfort was a sharp thing stabbing through her, his soothing peeling away layers of her soul.

She was just a thing he was forced to tend.

With her swollen belly growing larger every day, he lavished her with attention. He hardly left now, and when he did it was for short periods. Back before Devin even realized he was gone.

Dr. Annan said it was a boy.

Rey was thrilled.

Devin felt nothing.

The natural instincts of an Omega still held no sway over her, and she became more morose the further into the pregnancy she was. She was going to be a horrible mother. Didn’t even care about the little thing beyond keeping it healthy enough to eat and sleep as she was told to.

Devin was broken, always had been. There was something wrong with her. Her own mother had said such things. What kind of Omega didn’t want all the things she now had?

Sniffling into the tea Rey pressed into her hand, she sipped at the too hot liquid to quiet her mood. The tears were a constant, even when she felt blessedly quiet. A single comment, a sound out of place, was enough to send her into racking sobs for hours.

Rey had to make her shower, reminded her to eat. The only times he insisted she dress in something other than baggy sweats was during the doctor appointments. Vitamins and supplements deposited into her hand every morning with a large glass of water she had to finish as he stood over her waiting.

Rey tried to engage her in shopping, encouraging her to look through various catalogs for nursery furniture and other things for the baby. Trying to make her a good mother.

It fell flat on its face before it even begun.

Perceiving her disinterest, he took it upon himself, though he continued to try to get her to at least approve his choices. She agreed to everything, no matter what she thought of it. This was for him. She could make him happy in this. Nothing else about her pleased him, but this she would do. Rey wanted his child in fine things. He’d have it.

So it was she stood in the spare room turned nursery once more one morning with her tea, eyeing the ostentatious curve of the sleigh crib in deep walnut as she stood by the matching dresser folding onesies and footed pajamas. Rey liked seeing her in here, the only reason she sacrificed any comfort to stand rather than curl up on the cozy couch in the sitting room.

Everything always ached anyways. Her back, her breasts, her legs. Even her hands became puffy and swollen. Nothing fit her anymore and she had no desire to purchase a slew of cutesy clothes with bows and ribbons proclaiming her pregnancy. As if the giant belly protruding over the waist of her sweats wasn’t obvious enough as it was.

Devin felt massive and ungainly, incapable of the smallest of movements without overbalancing and ramming into things at full speed. She had no sense of this new body, her brain refusing to make the proper adjustments.
