Page 100 of Absolution

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You can smell smoke all the way over here. I’m pretty sure the mansion is ashes by now. I dump my bag on the back seat of the SUV, but not without taking an M4 first. As I climb in the passenger seat, I dial Oliver’s cell again.

He is my only connection to Ava. There’s no way for me to reach her or for her to reach me.

Oliver still doesn’t answer.

With a sigh, Angus slowly backs out. He doesn’t turn on the headlights.

Right before the end of the path, Angus turns around. There are no visible headlights or cars coming, so he begins our trip to Eros. The path is clear, and we drive in silence.

“They’re fine,” Angus murmurs a short time later, breaking the silence.


“If they weren’t fine, you would have received a call by now. Chances are, she made it inside.” Angus adds.

Reason indicates he’s right, but I’m having trouble with reason right now.

“Do we know where else I’m being attacked?” I ask, changing the subject.

“At this point, I would say everywhere. It’s a coordinated attack, which means the Irish and your father have made their move. We moved almost everyone before you were breached at the mansion, but we won’t know the damage until I take inventory.”

“This has to end,” I murmur.


He turns on the headlights before we reach the interstate. The path is still clear. As he drives, I want to bark at him to go faster, but we aren’t being followed, so there’s no point drawing unwanted attention.

It won’t take long to reach the exit for Eros. I try dialing Oliver again. Still nothing.

Every mile we drive feels like an eternity.

We’re nearing the exit when I notice a grueling multiple-vehicle accident. Traffic slows to a snail’s pace.

“That is one of our SUVs.” Angus points out.

I peer attentively at the wrecks as we pass, but all I can see are cops standing around. There’s no way of knowing who was inside the SUV.

“Whoever it was, they aren’t there anymore,” I declare, my tone low.


Angus exits the interstate. We’re minutes from Eros.

I take a deep breath to clear my mind. We have no idea what is waiting for us. We could be sitting ducks.

“Fuck,” I say as Eros comes into view.

“This is what I was afraid of.” Angus says.

Eros has been taken. There are Irish and some of my father’s men standing out front.

That can only mean one thing.

Cillian or my father are inside Eros. Maybe even both.

How the fuck will we get my family out now?

“We need a plan,” I tell Angus.
