Page 11 of Big Poppa

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“Hell yeah, Chy,” Adrian says pensively. He gives me a high five. I take aim again.

My arms tremble each time I raise my Glock and adjust my sight. My finger rests on the trigger, ready to fire. Adrian’s steady voice in my ear guides me through the process. I pull it with a surge of adrenaline, sending a bullet down range. I never thought I’d enjoy shooting, but as the smoke clears, there is a thrill inside me that feels likelife.

There’s no doubt about it. In the few days I’ve been here, I’ve changed. Being away from the hustle of the industry and everyday life has given me space to understand what I want my life to look like.

I don’t want helplessness...

I aim and fire, missing my target for the first time since I started.

...Sitting around, waiting for someone to save me.

I take a breath, try again, and bust one dead center.

Worried all the fuckin’ time about what the world thinks about me, my music and how I live my life.

In rapid succession I fire again and Adrian, without taking his gorgeous hazel eyes off my target, whispers, “Good girl.”

I hear myself breathe. A shaky intake of breath and a release. The sound of my heart beating and the sound of the bullets hitting their targets.

Squish, whizz, bang, pop, click.

For once, I want control. Life on my terms, despite what everyone says or thinks. As I considered all these things, my proficiency at the range picks up. Once I’ve emptied my clip, I instruct Adrian to show me quickly how to reload.

He looks at me curiously, but obeys, showing me the how, then stepping back as I click my magazine in place and unload. A sense of accomplishment surges through me, like I’ve conquered a fear. As I continue shooting, I feel Adrian’s gaze boring into me, intense and unrelenting. He watches my every move. Analyzing every shot, his jaw dropping each time I let off a round. “Jagger’s right. You’re a natural,” he says in awe, his arms crossed.

I fire off three more shots and hear Jagger and Saint whistling, praising my newfound savagery. Finally, I lower my weapon and cock my head upward. Adrian looks at me longingly. A sexy smile spreads across his handsome face.


He bites his full, pink lips. “I have to admit, I’m impressed,” he says, his voice low and husky.

“Thanks,” I say. My voice is barely above a whisper.

He moves dangerously close.

“You know, there’s something incredibly sexy about a woman who knows how to handle a gun.” His voice, warm and low, instantly sets my heart on fire. Blood thumps in my ears. His deep, muddy-green eyes, intense and powerful.

I can feel his breath on my skin, the heat of his body almost too much.

He reaches out and takes my hand, pulling me toward him. He gently caresses the side of my face, and I lean into his palm as he takes my gun from me.

“What are we going to do?” he demands, desperation in his voice.

I hesitate, my mind warring against my heart. Adrian’s expression softens as I look up at him, the heat from his breath bathing my neck, shooting a warmth through me I can’t ignore. He takes my lips in a passionate kiss, then abruptly pulls away. He whispers against them, “I’m just... trying to figure out ifIneed saving fromyou.”

Despite my security being in place, and the threat that sent me running to the mountains in the first place neutralized, there’s still danger ahead.

At some point Adrian would have to face my father, his best friend of almost twenty years. He’ll have to look my dad in the eye and tell him the truth. That he violated his little girl and made her cum harder than she ever had before.

And me?Iwill face the impossible task of not only confessing my love for my dad’s best friend to my father—but also to the world.
