Page 56 of Reckless Fate

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I straighten up and pull at the sash of my robe. As the sides fall open, Massi hisses and immediately cups my breasts.

His erection throbs, plush fabric the only barrier between us. He gives my nipples a tug that sends shivers down my spine, though I’m too hot in the warm robe. Burning, really.

I spread my palms to expose his chest and lean down to graze those beautiful muscles and his glistening skin with kisses.

“We shouldn’t,” I whisper, I’m not even sure why since I won’t stop now. God, the idea of getting caught arouses me almost as much as his touch.

Massi slides his hands down my ribcage, gripping my hipbones and circling my hips. The friction makes me gasp. He pulls me by my hair and my lips are crushed against his. My nipples pebble as they connect with his warm body.

“You have to be quiet, Blue,” he rasps and tugs at my lower lip with his teeth. My eyes widen because until now it was a playful game for me, but his command sets my heart racing and my center on fire.

I’m so wet I probably soaked the slice of fabric still between us. Massi moves that fabric, opening his robe. He rearranges the sides of my robe to cover us, as if this act of decency would overwrite what we are engaging in.

“What if someone comes?” My whispers hitch as he pinches my clit.

“I paid enough for the private experience for them to dare.” He nuzzles my neck.

“For us tonapprivately,” I protest, and immediately contradict myself when I graze my fingertips over his head, already slick with pre-cum.

He inhales sharply. “Let’s hope there are no cameras here then.”

This should arouse my sense of reason—instead it awakens desires I didn’t even know were hidden in me. But it’s the realization that I trust Massi that gives me the green light. I trust him in this risqué situation, but I trust him beyond that.

With my life.

With my future.

However complicated the path to that might be.

It’s that trust that leads my hand to grab his erection and guide him to my entrance. No condom. No protection. Just faith. For better or worse.

He fills me to the hilt and swallows my gasps with kisses that are desperate and decadent. We are both sweaty, so it’s like indulging in salty caramel. Only a thousand times better. I’m beyond the ability to find words for the sensations that are washing through me.

We ride together to the place where all the worry of the outside world no longer exists, where harmony resides and I know without a doubt in my mind, in my heart, that I love this man. That I’ve never stopped loving Massi.



The forbidden lovemaking at the spa unlocked a new level in our journey of reconnection. It was hushed, illicit and—likely because of that—more intense. It was an act of trust and mutual understanding.

And while I know it was just sex, I also know it wasn’t. The intimacy was off the charts. Our hearts communicated there, and although we’re not putting it into words, the feelings are palpable. I saw it in her eyes, and I accept that for now. It was the best sex we’ve ever had.

And the most expensive because therewerecameras. I didn’t mind paying the exorbitant fine, relieved they didn’t call the police, but I felt bad for Blue who was mortified. Still is.

“I can’t believe they were watching us. I mean, they didn’t interrupt, so they must have watched.” She marches down the path in Central Park.

“They were discreet.” I try not to laugh.

“More like pervs.” She turns to face me and it might be my expression or just the nerves rebelling, but her lips quiver and then she bursts into laughter. The sound is contagious and we both erupt into howls.

“I can’t believe—” She tries to catch her breath, wiping her cheeks. “I can’t believe we did that.” Her chest heaves and I grab her hand and tug her closer.

“There are bushes around here, Blue. Now that we know how public indecency tastes…” I lick my lip, but the memory of us on the playground all those years ago when she accepted my proposal flashes through my mind.

I’d forgotten about that. Somehow, over the years, my mind focused on all the bad stuff, but I guess my heart remembered the good things as well. Why else would I have cared for this woman for all those years?

I let go of her and put my hands in my pockets because otherwise I might just show everyone around us how I feel about her. In the middle of the day. In a park full of tourists and families. That’s how strongly I feel about claiming her. Making her mine.
