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But we’d done the hard part. Our family and friends knew. An article or two had been published. It was time to get on with it.

Tomorrow, we’d return to the office and slot back into our roles.

All would be right.

Chapter Twenty-four


Thetwoweeksafterwe returned from Wyoming went by fast. My weekdays were filled with working, hanging with Elise in my downtime, and waving at Luca in passing.

Sure, he’d gotten better about telling me where he was going, but he hadn’t made any effort to spend time with me. Not that I expected him to. It was just…after our trip, I thought we’d gotten closer. Maybe even heading toward friends…with benefits.

But Luca’s walls had gone right back up.

It was for the best. I didn’t have the time to miss him when he was gone. I’d spent the past two weekends working at my friend Kenji’s pop-up business and several evenings during the week meeting with Miles about our potential partnership, which was beginning to seem more and more real.

That was why I was surprised to receive an email from Luca Monday morning since I had barely said more than a “hello” and “goodbye” to him for days.

To:[email protected]

From:[email protected]


If you are available at lunchtime, please meet me at the Davenport at noon. Room 1019. If you won’t be able to make it, let me know and we’ll find another time.



I stared at his email, both incensed and turned on. He was so fucking arrogant, assuming I’d jump at the chance to meet him at a hotel. But dear god, did his arrogance do something to me.

I knew he could back up his words with action. Having that taste of Luca left me wanting. And damn him for being right. My toys were fun, but they didn’t satisfy me anymore. Not when I knew the heights my body was capable of attaining with his help.

To:[email protected]

From:[email protected]


I do happen to be free for lunch today. I’m in the mood for a big, thick sandwich. Is that what you were planning to feed me in room 1019? Are you going to cram it down my throat? Will you give me so much it drips down my chin? I really don’t want you to stain my top. It’s silk. So I might have to take it off first.

I hope that was what you had in mind.


Your Inconvenient Wife

My busy husband managed to reply within minutes.

To:[email protected]

From:[email protected]


I’ll feed you. It won’t be a sandwich, but you’ll be satisfied when you walk away, you filthy girl.
