Page 15 of Three's A Crown

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“Yes, exactly like that,” he answers as his eyes narrow on me. “I think I’ve underestimated you, Rosalie.”

Me and my stupid mouth.

“Many have,” I quip stupidly, but my answer makes him smile.

“Don’t show the prince your smart mouth tonight, he may not appreciate it as much as I do,” he warns. “On another matter, I’m here to offer my jet to you all, five hours in a car will not have you arriving fresh for the event. And if I’m honest, I want Rosalie and Skylar to be putting their best foot forward.”

Why the hell is he being generous? I’m sure there are strings attached to this.

“What do you get out of this?” I ask him.

Valerius grins. “Your father’s debts paid off and a second crown in the family, maybe on my goddaughter’s head?” he states, looking at me.

I hate the fact that he is my godfather, but maybe that’s my saving grace in why he tolerates my talking back.

“You think we can do it?” I ask.

“Like you said, people underestimate you, I don’t. You’re both beautiful, smart, resourceful girls. I’m sure you can turn the prince’s attention away from the others,” Valerius declares.

It looks like he has a plan for Skylar and me and we better succeed, otherwise, he’s going to take matters into his own hands.

“I must go, good luck, girls, I’m sure you won’t need it. But in case you do, I’ll be leaving Dante and Enzo as your chaperones this evening also, they’ll make sure to keep you on task tonight.” He grins before nodding to the boys and walking out of the library.

As soon as he leaves, I can’t hold it in any longer. “What the fuck,” I curse, looking over at Dante and Enzo.

“Rosie, stop it,” Skylar says, tugging on my hand, the same one she hasn’t stopped squeezing all night.

“No, Sky, I’ve had enough of men running my life. I want answers,” I say, looking over at dumb and dumber.

Dante holds up his finger at me, while Enzo pulls a device out of his pocket. It looks like a cell phone. He presses a couple of buttons, then places it on the desk. The machine lights up and a blue laser scans the room, then it beeps, and static flashes across the screen.

“Now we can talk,” Dante says, leaning back against the green velvet couch as if he has all the time in the world. His dark eyes are trained on Maggie, but my sister refuses to acknowledge him.

“What the hell was that?” I ask, pointing at the machine.

“Bug scrambler,” Enzo answers. “You do realize this room is bugged?”

I turn and look at my sisters, their eyes widen in surprise. We had our suspicions, but we never found anything. Shit. My mind whirls with all the conversations we’ve had in this room.

“Why are you telling us this? I thought you were Daddy Valerius’s loyal little soldiers,” I ask, glaring at the two of them.

Dante’s head turns quickly as his attention is pulled toward me. “Little Rose is all grown up it seems, but that smart mouth is going to get you into trouble with my father, he tolerates it for the moment because he needs something from you, after that, he will show you how much that mouth of yours pisses him off,” Dante warns me.

“Fuck you,” I curse at him.

“Rosalie,” Maggie hisses in warning, “stop it.”

I’m surprised at my sister’s reaction. Why is she siding with this asshole?

“Why are you back?” Magnolia asks Dante.

He leans forward with a wicked smile dancing across his lips. “I’ve come to spend time with my fiancée.” His eyes slide appreciatively over my sister before his eyes narrow, focusing on her. “Apparently, we are getting married, and soon,” he adds.

My sister freezes. This is the first we have heard about it.

Dante chuckles. “Judging by that look on your faces this is news to you all. I was positive my father would have gloated about his plans,” he says, chuckling at our misfortune. “If either of you secures the prince tonight then our wedding will be on hold until that is over, if not, then our time has run out, Maggie. I’ll be walking you down the aisle as soon as possible if my father has his way.”

“He can’t do that,” I argue.
