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“Oh, hell yeah.”

She’s trying not to smile, but I can see she’s happy about it. “What’re we going to do?”

“Anything you want.”

“Let me think about it,” she says. “I’ll let you know.”

“Something adventurous, I’m assuming?”

“Oh, no,” she says, eyes widening. “You’re not 100 percent yet, so it’s going to be lowkey and danger-free.”

“Dash told me to take the week off, so I’m sure I’ll be fine-”

“No,” Sailor insists. “My birthday is Wednesday and that’s only a few days away. You’re going to take it easy all week. And that includes on our date.”

I could really get used to her coddling. All my life, I’ve been the protector, the one who takes care of everyone else. No one has ever taken care of me like this little tornado. Because that’s exactly what she is– a natural disaster that will catch you completely by surprise and toss you around, upending everything. And there’s no telling how you’ll come out once the spinning is over.


After we eat, Sailor helps me back to the bathroom so I can take a much-needed shower. I probably don’t need to lean on her so much, but I think we’re both enjoying it. I plan to brush my teeth at least three times and gargle half a bottle of mouthwash after eating that order of onion rings. Because I’m kissing her tonight. And it’s going to be a helluva kiss. One neither one of us will ever forget.

Sailor leans over to turn on the water, carefully adjusting the temperature for my shower, and my gaze dips. Damn those little shorts of hers don’t conceal much. My dick instantly swells at the sight of her curvy ass cheeks while my heart responds to her thoughtfulness. She’s so mothering. I never saw this nurturing side of her before, and I can so easily picture her being a mom, taking care of a whole brood of little ones.

My babies?I wonder. I’ve never imagined having kids until now.

She hits the lever and the shower sprays. “Okay, um, I’ll be in the other room if you need anything.”

“Thank you,” I say quietly.

“You’re welcome.”

As she closes the door behind her, I reach back to pull my t-shirt off, and wonder what it would be like if Sailor joined me in the shower. The thought tortures me.

Once I’m clean, shaved and have minty-fresh breath, I open the door and walk back into my bedroom. I hear the shower running in the guest bathroom and hope Sailor doesn’t plan to stay in there tonight. I want her curled up against me again.

A wave of exhaustion hits me and I drop down on my bed. I wish I could say I felt 100 percent again, but I don’t. Not even close. I guess it takes time to recuperate after escaping the Grim Reaper by the skin of my teeth. By all accounts, I should be dead right now. I would be if it hadn’t been for Sailor acting so quickly and pulling in Dash and Fallon to help.

I’m a damn lucky sonofabitch.

When Sailor comes back into the room, I glance up and swallow hard. She’s wearing one of my Navy t-shirts and it never looked that good on me. What is it about a woman in her man’s shirt that is so fucking sexy?

“I hope you don’t mind,” she says.

“Uh, no,” I manage to force out. She’s so tiny and my shirt nearly hits her knees. I want to scoop her up and hold her tight, never let her go. Instead, I toss the sheet back in invitation.

“Maybe I should sleep in the other room-”

“No,” I say in a firm voice.

“No?” She tilts her head.

“What if I need you?” I ask, voice husky. There’s no mistaking the double-meaning in my words. Sailor comes over and stands beside my bed.

“Then I’ll take care of you,” she responds in a breathy voice. She slides in bed next to me, and she’s so light the mattress doesn’t even sink beneath her.

If I were in peak condition, I’d pin her under me so fast right now, her pretty little head would spin. “If I felt better-”

“I know.”
