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She’d get there. After waiting nearly ten years to simply get her at my side, I knew I could wait a little longer for her to share my feelings.

Seeing as she didn’t speak like a robot, I was already one step closer to my goal. By the end of the night, I’d have a piece of her heart, if not the whole thing.

When I was set to push the ring she picked out onto her finger, I realized it didn’t look as bad as I originally thought. Simple, yet elegant. Fitting for her.

“You’re shaking,” she whispered as she watched as well.

I suppose I was. “Just a little eager, darling,” I lied.

Everything felt too good to be true. I was so close to getting my happy ending, I tried to prepare myself for the moment when someone ruined it.

Occasion after occasion, I always failed when it came to getting Ramona. I expected today to be no exception.

She grabbed my hand, squeezing my trembling fingers. With ease, she slid on my ring. Originally coming off nervous, she was the strength I needed to calm down.

While the officiant spoke, his words came muffled as I stared down at the woman I loved. Reaching out, I cradled her cheek.

How ironic of me. While working so hard to come off as a hardened, fearless, and terrifying leader, I stood there looking like a weakened sap. In front of my men, other families, and even her.

Ramona leaned against my palm, her eyes closing momentarily. Her lips parted and a sigh left her lips. I wanted to kiss her now, not when ordered to.

Ramona was my weakness. She made it hard to act the part I’d been playing for the last decade. She wanted me to change, to be more humane toward others. Toward the people I should’ve called my family.

Could I still be strong with her at my side? Even as a man with the appearance of an outsider? If it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t have worked so hard to become the man I was today.

“I love you,” I whispered with a gentleness I didn’t realize I was capable of owning.

Her eyes snapped open and she looked at me like it was the first time I spoke the words.

If I wanted Ramona to fall in love with me, then I needed to be a man deserving of said love. As long as my will remained strong, I could put down my walls. I’d look a little weaker.

Making the promise to myself, I cradled her face and leaned down to kiss her.

While the officiant chuckled, he quickly wrapped up our ceremony, declaring our titles to the world.

Husband and wife.

When we parted, Ramona didn’t look away with that startled look. Instead, she grabbed one of my hands and flattened it against her chest.

“You feel that?” she asked, curling her fingers around my wrist.

A racing heart, perfect for the occasion. One step closer. If my confession affected her, I wouldn’t stop with just words. I’d show her through actions.

Grinning, I grabbed her hand and brought her knuckles to my lips. “Come, darling. Let’s go celebrate.”

Gasping when I tugged her away from our clapping audience, I dragged her into our home. Starving for her and food, I planned on fueling us both for the next few hours.

I couldn’t tire her out too much. Not with what I planned for tonight.


A bubbling giggle escaped my lips when Bruno swung me around. For a guy who’d been bloodied only a week ago, he moved wonderfully. Lily would have quite the workout by the time the night ended.

Elias had a room large enough for one grand party. Antonio had mentioned before how Elias liked showing off his home to make others jealous. I wished I could’ve been one of the spectators during his gatherings.

I would’ve fallen for him so much quicker if I had.

My head spun as my body did the same. When Bruno released his hold on my hands, I twirled around until I crashed into my husband. Elias immediately caught me, his arms wrapping securely around my frame.
