Page 145 of Villain

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“It’s been abigturn on for years.”

“Wait.” I push his chest, feeling hard muscle beneath my palm. Casper meets my eye, his brows pulled together in confusion. “Are you saying that I’ve turned you on by arguing this whole time?”

“Yeah. You’ve ruined me, sweetheart.”

“That’s horrible.” I grab his hands as he tries to reach for me again. “What used to turn you on?”

“This feels like a trap.”

“It’s not, I promise. But I don’t want details of what other women did with you.”

He shakes his head and kisses my forehead. “The usual boring shit.”

“What… women being nice and telling you how hot you are?”

“Like I said, boring.”


“Ainsley, if you’re not going to call me a bastard, I can think of another use for that mouth.”

His words are my undoing. I moan and tell him, “Why the hell would I want you in my mouth? I don’t want anything from you.”

His eyes are on fire in an obvious display of just how bloody weirdheis. The accusation that I’ve ruined him is spot on. This isn’t normal at all, but it is hot.


“Oh, will you just get lost, Casper. You do my head in.”

That’s spot on. He is a total mindfuck.

Moaning, he pins my hands above my head and rolls his hips against mine. I shudder at the electricity zipping through my bloodstream. The smell of his aftershave sinks into my skin, and I know that I’ll smell of him for the rest of the night. I want to bottle his scent.

So far, I’ve managed to stop myself from rubbing against him like a cat, daily. He’d probably let me, given how messed up I’ve also made him. It’s feels like a slippery slope if I give into that one. I can’t allow him to be my everything. I’ve seen that happen before. Look at my mum.

But it’s possible that I’m already there—that I would follow him to the ends of the Earth.

My head tilts back, and I bite my lip to stop myself making too much noise. My pulse flutters wildly beneath my skin.

“You don’t look like you want me to leave,” he whispers against my cheek.

I close my eyes. “I think I’m going to come.”

He moves his hips away, and now I think I really do hate him.

“No, don’t,” I say, wrapping my arms around his back. I squirm beneath him, hungry for more. My fingernails curl into his flesh, and the low moan in the back of his throat does nothing to stop me racing towards a climax I’m so desperate for.

“Every awful thing you’ve said has both hurt and turned me on. I’ve been hard for three fucking years,” he says.

I don’t think I can even remember how to breathe anymore. I’m so turned on I could cry.

“Is that why your bedroom had a revolving door?” I ask, arching against his erection.

“I’m not talking about other women when I’m with you,” he says, grazing my neck with his teeth.

I grind into him again and try to free my hands. “Casper, please.”

“Mm, I love it when you beg.”
