Page 97 of Villain

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Score! I just found my jeans on the floor by the end of his bed. I kick my legs into them and pull my top over my head.

“You don’t need to hide from me, sweetheart. I’m never going to forget what you look like, what you taste like, what you feel like.”

I swallow what feels like dust down my sandpaper throat, ignoring the desire to get back into bed and lose myself in him over and over.

When I’m dressed, I turn to him, ready to appeal to whatever side of him makes him want to occasionally help and protect me. “Can you not use this, please?”

Scowling, he asks, “Use it for what? Every time I masturbate for the rest of my life? Sorry, I can’t promise that. That body, the way you moan my name, those nails digging into my back…”

He groans and undresses me with his eyes.

“All right! I get the picture. No need to remind me of what we’ve just done.”

“Do you think you’ll be able to forget it?” he asks, smirking.


His face transforms, brows rising, and I take a second to enjoy his surprise. It’s not that often I get to surprise him so I’m soaking it in. If I had my phone in my hand, I would take a picture.

“See you later, Casper.”

“Do you need me to walk you home?”

“Next door? I think I can make it. Besides, you’ll probably watch me from your window, anyway.”

His smirk is all the confirmation I need. That dimple. I regret not licking it.

“Come back when you’re ready, Ainsley.”

“Don’t hold your breath.”

“I don’t need to.”

Time is ticking on, and every second I waste is a second that Reggie or Marvin could walk through the door. I fly down the stairs, doing the run of shame, and grab my bag that’s by his door.

I hesitate as I’m about to leave his house, but it’ll be worse if I wait longer. So, I fling the door open and slam it shut behind me. Running from his house to mine is not a walk of shame I ever thought I would be performing.

You’re not ashamed.

What the hell business do I have jumping into Casper’s bed? Or rather being thrown onto it.

I glance up as I go to see he’s watching me from Reggie’s window. Then I let myself into my house and breathe a long sigh of relief.

Imani and Freya won’t be home until after four, so I still have an hour. That’s plenty of time to get myself together and forget about the day’s events.

In the bathroom, I turn the shower on and strip out of my clothes. I hold long strands of hair between my fingers before I step under the water. I can still smell him on me, and I’m not sure that will ever go away.

He’s everywhere, and as much as I don’t want to wash him away yet, I know I have to. It’d be too risky. One of the girls might notice. I bet I haveI slept with Casperwritten all over my face.

I step inside and lean back against the tiled wall. My thighs have faint red marks where he lost control and gripped me as hard as I held him.

So hot.

Closing my eyes, I take deep and even breaths as my body shudders. How can I be turned on again? I already want to come just thinking about his mouth between my legs. I didn’t get to taste him, to have him come apart on my tongue.

My hand runs down my stomach, and my eyes drift shut.

Now it’s too late. I should’ve stayed longer, gone again and called it a one-night thing rather than a one-time only.
