Page 93 of The Consigliere

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“Fine, but don’t cause trouble.” I placed my index finger on her nose and she scrunched her brow.

“Me? Trouble? Never.”

“You guys need to lock yourselves behind closed doors,” Stephen muttered, immediately turning around and heading for a duplicate communications room like the one I had at my estate.

“Later, my friend.” I squeezed her shoulders then motioned toward the door, placing my hand on the small of her back as we left the room. It was never easy learning someone had betrayed you. The seize on our unit overseas and the subsequent bloody battle had been because we’d trusted an in-country adviser who’d been working for the enemy the entire time. It hadn’t mattered he’d been vetted by our top brass. The man had been in position for years, leaking US government information.

We’d been caught in the crossfire.

At least I’d had the pleasure of killing the traitor, watching as the light had slipped from his eyes.

That’s what I had planned for the man who’d betrayed us now.

He wouldn’t live to see the light of tomorrow.

“Okay, first, you might as well hear what Sean had to say to O’Rourke.” Stephen smiled, his eyes twinkling as he hit a button, sitting back and swinging the chair from side to side.

“What the fuck happened?”Killian snarled.

“I wasn’t there. I did what you said about the girl, but the man you hired was an idiot,”Sean told him.

I could tell Killian was angry he was being challenged.

“You stupid kid. I gave you a job to do and all you’ve done is fuck it up.”

Sean huffed.“I did exactly as you asked. Maybe you underestimated Viper. Sir.”

“That’s bullshit. He’s nothing but a pencil pusher. He should have been easy pickings.”

Madisen turned her head, looking at me intently. All I could do was smile. Yes, they had underestimated me.

“I don’t think he survived the crash. Neither did our people.”

“You did,”Killian barked.“I’m curious how that happened.”

“Because I’m smarter than the thugs you sent to do a man’s job.”

“Whew,” Stephen whistled then turned it off. “I think that tells you everything you wanted to hear.”

“Want and need are entirely two different things,” I said in passing. “And the traitor?”

His face fell and he looked away from me. “I don’t want to believe it.”

“Just fucking let me see what you found.” When he moved away from the computer, I sat down.

“A series of emails. I don’t know how long he’s been working for O’Rourke, but obviously for some time.”

Stephen’s voice was full of disdain as well as angst. After I read over the information, clear correspondence on a private email between two parties, I closed my eyes. “Ethan.” The man had been with Powers Security for years. He’d fought alongside us, taking a bullet for me on one occasion. Why would he sell out?

No. I refused to believe it.

“It’s too tidy,” I told him.

“That’s what I thought but I checked it five times. There’s no mistake.” Stephen became more distraught.

“Why don’t you let me take a look?” Madisen said, a sly tone in her voice.

“What can you do?” I asked, hoping to find further deception, but in my business, I knew very well that every man and woman had a price.
