Page 64 of Dragon's Temptation

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“Okay,” I said. “If I know where to go, I can do that.”

“I have coordinates for you.”

“Get them to me. I want to leave tonight.”

“What’s the hurry? It’s not like it’s a matter of life and death,” Mykel said with a chuckle.

Oh, if only he knew.



Colter knocked on my open door and stepped in.

I looked up from the bed couch near a tall window where I was reading a book. The day was rainy and overcast, a blanket of gloom hanging over the city. It matched my mood perfectly.

“Are you busy?” Colter asked.

I glanced at my book. “Sort of.”

I hadn’t talked to him since he’d pushed me to the point where my magic had exploded, and the truth was, I didn’t have much to say to him. Colter could be a nice guy, but he was used to being in charge, and I wasn’t the type of person who liked being told what to do. I’d worked hard to build myself up, to create a life for myself, and damn if I was just going to hand over the reins to someone else.

Maybe I had to stay here for my own safety, but that wouldn’t last forever, and I was still the commander of my own ship.

“I need you to pack,” Colter said.

“For what?” I asked with a frown.

“We’re going to see someone, and we’ll be gone a few days.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “You’re not telling me anything else? Is it a big secret?”

Colter hesitated before he stepped further into my room.

“I know a woman who might be able to help us. She’ll know about your magic, how you can access it, and what it can do.”

I bristled. “Why are you so serious about pushing me to unlock magic? Why can’t I just be who I am?”

“You need your magic,” Colter said. “I want you to be able to look after yourself, so you don’t need…anyonearound you all the time to protect you.”

I liked the sound of that. I knew he’d nearly talked about himself and carefully said “anyone” instead.

“What does this woman know?”

“Well, she’s a soothsayer, mostly fae, but she has some angel blood in her. She used to work for my father when I was very young. She’s the only one I know of still left on Earth—all the other angels have retreated back to the Overworld.”

“You’ve mentioned fae before,” I said.

“They’re also enchanted beings, but they’re travelers, very different from the rest of us. They specialize in spells and in fortune telling, and they know things that other enchanted beings don’t. They’re our best bet.”

I considered that. I didn’t want to do what Colter told me. When he’d pushed me, my power had scared the living shit out of me—aside from hurting me—and I wasn’t ready for a trip down that road again. Besides, I felt like a fool after all that. I was a being with power, and I couldn’t even handle what I had.

What did that make me?


My whole life, I’d been treated differently, shunned and seen as an outcast because I didn’t belong. I’d been forgotten, abandoned, and when my foster family had taken me in, I’d only belonged for a short while before my foster dad had only kept me on because of the state allowance he was paid for housing me at all.

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