Page 65 of Dragon's Temptation

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I’d already been used, abused, and rejected by our normal system. I didn’t need that through a magical system, too.

“If anyone knows where you really come from, it will be Andra,” Colter said, as if he knew my reservations for doing this at all.

That pushed me over the edge. I wanted to know who I was. I wanted to know where I’d come from. My origin story was this big question mark, and no matter how hard I’d tried as a teenager and then a young adult, I hadn’t been able to find anything about who I was.

Eventually, I’d given up.

“How much should I pack?” I asked.

Colter looked relieved. “I don’t know how long we’ll be there. Prepare for a couple of days, and don’t bother with warm clothes. We’re going to a tropical island.”

“It sounds like a treat,” I said, glancing at the rainy weather outside.

Colter nodded curtly and left my room again. His presence lingered after he was gone, and a part of me yearned for him.

I missed him. Damn it, I didn’t know why I cared so much about that asshole, but I wanted to talk to him, to be with him.

There were just too many things that were out of my control right now, and I would keep him at arm’s length until I could figure out what was going on and gain back some of the control that felt like it always slipped through my fingers.

After I packed, we left the penthouse and rode the elevator down to the basement, where a sleek black car waited for us. The driver took our luggage and put it in the trunk while Colter opened the door for me. This was the third time we left the penthouse since Colter had brought me here, and my stomach twisted, thinking about the first two times and how those had ended.

“It’s going to be okay,” Colter said when he climbed into the backseat next to me.

I settled into the luxurious leather seats.

“I know.”

“You’re tense.”

“How do you know?” I asked.

Colter shrugged. “I can sense it.”

I nodded and turned my head back to the window. If I finally figured out who I was, would I have magic like that, that I could use, special powers that were unique to me and who I was?

Colter was right, I was tense. It was hard to go somewhere I didn’t know, to see someone I didn’t know, to find out about a life I didn’t know… the unknown was so big, it threatened to swallow me whole. What would I be after it all? Would this woman find where I belonged? I’d lived in uncertainty my whole life. I’d wanted to know so much, but the possibility that I would find something out was scary.

I’d become used to not knowing. Knowing was an unknown in itself, and it scared me.

The car drove us to a private airfield, where we climbed into a private jet. Everything about Colter screamedbillionaire. The penthouse, the cars, the jet. It was such a lavish life. I’d always compared being rich to being carefree, but since I’d been in the lap of luxury, nothing had been carefree.

The jet took off, and my stomach turned. I gripped the armrests of my seat, fear coiled tightly at the pit of my stomach.

“Are you okay?” Colter asked.

“Just fine,” I said, but my voice was thin, and I felt sick. “This is my first time.”

“We’re going to be okay,” Colter said in a reassuring tone. “Nothing will go wrong, trust me. I’ve got you.”

I nodded, pursing my lips, and tried to hold on to those words as we traveled higher and higher.

When we were in the air—the plane had leveled out—I felt better. It wasn’t so bad once we were up there.

“Tell me about this woman,” I said to Colter. “Who is she?”

Colter glanced up at me from the documents he’d been reviewing on his tablet and put it to the side.

“She’s mostly fae, but she has about ten percent angel blood in her body,” he said. “Since she’s the only part-angel left, she’s the only one who might be able to help us figure out where your power lies.”
