Page 26 of Bear's Protection

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I shot her a warning look. I didn’t have room for jealousy in my club. Amy averted her eyes, getting the memo.

Oaklee followed me down the hallway toward the door that led into the reception area of the club. She glanced toward the windows. Nothing was going on in there yet—the doors didn’t open until two hours from now.

Still, she looked curious, and that piqued my interest, too.

When we stepped out from behind the bar, my security detail were all present. They were all burly men, some oozing shifter power that crackled in the room.

Aesthetically, the bouncers were a living wall of pure muscle as they stood side-by-side in a semi-circle.

They could be intimidating if they got pissed off, which was what I wanted, but they were also approachable and warm to everyone arriving.

I needed my patrons to feel like someone had their back if anything they weren’t comfortable with happened. My bouncers weren’t just here to keep out the riffraff, they were also here to be guardian angels, encouraging when someone needed it, or forgiving when someone felt too out of place and were hard on themselves about it.

Sex was a balance between self-acceptance and bravery, especially in a setting like mine, and I wanted my bouncers to be security and confidants in equal measure.

I glanced at the shifters with their animals, sliding behind jewel-toned irises.

I needed shifters around because they understood other shifters, and if something happened with anyone possibly losing control, the shifter bouncers picked up on the magic and stopped anything drastic from happening before we were exposed to the humans all around us. I liked the variation of having different kinds, though. Wolves, bears, we had an eagle in here, too. I liked to welcome diversity.

I should have been more open to it while Delaney had been alive.

Harry lifted his hand in a half-wave to Oaklee, and she smiled at him, mouthinghiat him.

So, she was settling in already.

“Right,” I said. “This is Oaklee, for those of you who don’t know her.”

Oaklee looked shy when everyone glanced at her, muttering greetings.

I focused on my bouncers, but I was very aware of her standing next to me. Her power wasn’t invasive, but it couldn’t be ignored, either. It was subtle, but it was there, a quiet power.

I glanced at her, but I didn’t stare—that wouldn’t be professional. I cleared my throat and spoke.

“I’ve renewed your contracts, and you’re all getting a twenty-percent raise,” I continued when they fell silent.

The guys all bobbed their heads, pleased by the news. Felix had suggested a lower raise, but I wasn’t having it. I wanted my guys at my side, and I trusted the bouncers. I wanted them to be happy.

The shifters were in my pack, close to me. They weren’t just here to look out for the pack, they were my personal security detail, my eyes and ears on the outside when I couldn’t be everywhere at once.

“Right, with that out of the way, has Serena gone over your schedules with you? Everyone happy to carry on the way we are?”

They all nodded and murmured agreement.

“Good,” I said. “Let’s talk about tomorrow night. I want you all on your guard, I need you to step in if something gets out of hand.”

“What happens tomorrow night?” Oaklee asked, speaking for the first time.

“Ah, you missed the memo,” I said. “It’s BDSM night.”

“What?” Oaklee’s cheeks pinkened, and she rolled her lips together. “I didn’t really think of all the different… possibilities.”

“Aside from our normal BDSM rooms and equipment, we have themed nights,” I said. “We like to cater to all walks of life, everyone’s different needs, and we advertise accordingly.”

She pursed her lips and nodded curtly, but it wasn’t her body language that caught my attention. It was the scent of her arousal that rose around her.

How would Oaklee feel about being tied up? I could just picture her, spread-eagled on a bed while I ravished her, first with my mouth and then with my cock…

I forced myself to focus on the meeting, and we covered the basics. I needed the security to make sure everyone was safe, that anyone who pushed it too far would be dealt with, and I needed the patrons to be screened at the door.

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