Page 107 of Dangerous Strokes

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“Zip me up, please.” She turns around, bending over and sliding the shoe on, but she’s flustered in her rush.

“Come here.” I pull her up, then spin her around, and drop to one knee.

She calms instantly when my hands are on her leg, and I pull her foot up to rest on my bent knee, then slowly close the strap around her ankle. I can’t help but linger, my hands trailing up her leg, past her knee, a shiver running through me as goosebumps cover the skin I’m touching.

“Ronan…” She speaks with an enticing, breathy voice that makes me want to flip her over and fuck her right now.

I look up just as she visibly swallows, and she’s about to say something, when we hear footsteps out in the corridor. Considering I left the bedroom door open, it would be wise for our son’s lovely nanny not to catch us fucking on the bedroom floor.

“Are you in here, Mrs. Hennessey?”

I drop my wife’s foot and reluctantly rise, adjusting my erection before I turn.

“Yes, Rosa.”

The middle-aged woman appears in the doorway, her plump cheeks flushed from the heat. She’s our son’s nanny, but she loves baking, so she’s been in the kitchen for the last hour, filling the house with a sweet aroma that makes my mouth water.

“Can you please call me Annika? You’ve been with us for months now, Rosa.”

I know she’s not going to do it. Her expression already says it all. The woman is old school, and if she won’t call her Mrs. Hennessey, she’ll probably end up calling her Mrs. Annika instead. Which is funny, because she’s been acting more like a mother with us, always making sure we’re fed and happy. I reckon she would either be best friends or mortal enemies with Mamaw June, Vin’s mother. They’re quite alike.

I walk behind Annika and zip up her dress before dropping a kiss on her shoulder.

“You’re gonna be late, you two, go on.”

“Yes, all done here. I’ll go check on Aaro one more time.”

I follow her out of the room, thanking Rosa on the way, and enter the nursery, where our son is sleeping in his cot. It’s dark here, with the exception of the faint lights projected on the ceiling, of constellations and galaxies.

Aaro lies in his bed, sleeping soundly, and probably dreaming, considering how he moves his little, chubby fingers.

“I can’t believe he’s almost six months old. Am I going to blink and he’ll be on his first day of school?” she whispers.

“Time’s our worst enemy… but we’re gonna make the most of it.”

I reach over, rolling one of his blond curls in my fingers. It’s bittersweet, how much he looks like him… even if he inherited my hair color, a darker shade of blond, those are my brother’s curls.

Annika sighs next to me, and I pull her to my side.

“Do you think Finnigan will ever get to meet him?”

I swear this woman can read my mind.

“I hope so… at the moment, I can’t even get him to meet me.”

About three months ago, we went back to Queenscove for a visit. We kept a low profile and stayed at my parents’ house, since they came home for a couple of days and wanted to meet their grandson. Everyone else came to see us. Everyone… except Finn.

He wasbusy.

I wanted to hunt him down and put some sense into him, but I’ve been told by more than one person to let him be. Death and loss change a person… and, unfortunately, I’m guilty of the former. I did this to him… I can’t force him back to me.

“How long can he really hold on to the anger?”

“He’s always been stubborn, so probably for a long time, but this is more than anger—it’s betrayal. He’ll probably hold on to that for much longer.”

“I just… I want Aaro to have an uncle.”

“I guess time will tell, baby girl.”
