Page 85 of Rocking Her Silence

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I reach out to caress her face and pass her my phone. "Just write it down, baby…"

She nods and starts to type away. She starts and stops many times. Minutes go by, and my heartbeat gets more and more agitated. I can't even tell why. This just feels…important.

When she’s done, she gives me the phone back, and I read her words with painstaking attention, eager to understand her heart.

“I also have a song to show you, love. I didn't write it, and I haven’t even tried to listen to it in years, but it’s very special to me. It was my mother's favorite. She told me it was on the radio the day she and my dad came to pick me up and bring me home for the first time. And, again, she randomly heard it the day my adoption was finalized. Both times, the song, it just spoke to her. It made her think of me. So, over the course of the years, she would listen to it often. I would sit there and stare at her, just looking at the different expressions that passed over her face. She looked moved, wistful. And it got me curious about the lyrics because she would always end up in tears whenever she listened to this song, and still, she would listen to it and call it a favorite, and I was too small back then to understand the concept of ‘happy tears’, I guess. Anyway, one time when I was about seven or eight, I asked her if she could find me the lyrics so I could read them. So Mom printed them out for me. I read the lyrics very carefully… many times, and I thought that they were lovely, but I could never see what my mom meant. Not even when I got older. I could never see the connection she felt between myself and the song. Yet Mom always insisted that she felt this song was important, that the connection was there, and we just couldn't really see it yet, but she was sure that someday we would understand in full. Then my parents were killed, and I just didn't think about the song anymore. From time to time, it would pop into my head, especially around my birthday, because my mom quoted the lyrics in a letter that she left for me, but other than that, I would just put it out of my mind. I went years without thinking about it. Then I met you and was told your name. And last name. And I remembered the song. I finally get it now.”

I look away from the screen and back at her. I can’t help but think I’m missing something here. "That's a really beautiful, really sad story, baby… but why are you telling it to me? What does it have to do with my lyrics?" I ask after I'm done reading.

Mia smiles through her tears. “Not only with your lyrics…with you. You will see what I mean immediately, believe me…” she signs and sim-coms, her thin voice heavy with emotion.

She takes my phone back, points it at my face to unlock it, and then starts to type.

She turns the screen my way, and I see the title of the song, and my eyes go wide.

I'm not very familiar with the artist, but the title… damn.

'Gabriel'by Lamb.

I look up at her. Well, I guess yeah, I can see how this would be more than a little bit odd, especially the part about her mom…

"Fuck, me! That's my freaking name, well… mylastname, but still… that's uncanny."

Mia nods. ‘There's more,'she signs.

She scrolls down on the screen and points at the lyrics of this song, her finger tapping at one line in the intro…

… Revel in the songs that he sings …

… My angel Gabriel …

I look up at her, grinning. "I'm no angel… you are, baby."

She shakes her head.'But you're a singer and… Gabriel…'

I smile, nodding slowly. "Can't argue with that…"

Mia scrolls down a bit more. Shows me the pre-chorus, and I damn near fall from the bed.

… Angel's wings carried him to me …

I'm speechless. I mean, what are the odds…

The title alone…

And then those two first lines that Mia pointed out…

And this… that I would come up with a line in my own ballad that's such a perfect foil to this one without really knowing the artist’s body of work or even having ever heard of this particular track…


I'm going to have to listen to this song properly…

I look from the screen to Mia's face and back again.

Then I read the full lyrics and feel my own eyes blurring a bit.

This is insane.
