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“I thought Harley was my lobster? Isn’t that what you said?”

“You weren’t supposed to hear that.”

“Isn’t this what every girl wants? To be seen? To be heard? Noticed by me? Well, I’m standing right in front of you, Toots, telling you that I see you. You’ve got my attention now, Harley. What are you going to do with it?”

“I don’t love you. I don’t even like you. Especially right now. You’re actin’ weird.”

“Guys are weird, right?” I parroted her earlier comment.

“Holy crap! How long were you listenin’? What game are you playin’, Jackson?”

“The game we’ve always played. Get Harley to pay attention to me. I dare you to scar you. That’s all I want. You, forever. I pick on you, I bully you, I tease you cuz I want you. Well, guess what, baby girl? You want me too.”

“You’re takin’ this too far, dickweed! Stop!”

I didn’t hesitate, jolting my stare to Cash. “Make me, pussy boy!”

He stepped forward, stopped by Shiloh’s grip on his arm. “You said it earlier, Cash. He ain’t worth it.”

“I been wantin’ to give him an ass whoopin’ since preschool.”

“I’m standing right here, boy toy. Let’s see what ya got.”

“Stop!” Harley ordered, putting her hands on my chest. “This is between you and me, so leave him out of it.”

“Fine.” I got right in her face, our noses almost touching. “I’ll just show you how much I love you then.”

Snapping, “Let me kiss you, Harley. That’s what you want, right? Since I love you so much.”



“You can kiss my grits, Jackson.”

“Baby girl, I just want to show you how much I’ve always loved you. I don’t care if your friends see...”

She stepped back as I went forward four steps. Backing her into the wall, I caged her in with my arms.

She held her head up higher, not folding. Always too stubborn for her own damn good. I could see it in her eyes, no one knew Harley like I did.

Bottom line, I was getting to her.

Which was why I spoke the magic words, “I dare you to let me kiss you.”

She jerked back, caught off guard again. Suddenly realizing she had nowhere to go.

All mine.

“The Harley I know and love never backs down from a dare.” My eyes shifted to her lips, baiting, “I promise you’ll like it.”

Her stare landed on her friends, who were both about to blow a gasket in the corner. Watching us.

Especially Cash McGraw.

Two birds with one stone.

My lucky day.
