Page 31 of Unforgettable

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Jab-jab-jab.Myfiercepunchesecho through the gym as I bounce around on the balls of my feet in a boxing ring, slamming into the pads covering Hayden’s hands. I swing a right hook, and Hayden takes a quick step back, shielding his face. “What the hell, man? Are you trying to knock me out? What did I do to you?”

“Sorry, it’s been a long day.” My chest heaves, and I drag in deep breaths. Swiping the sweat off my brow with my forearm, I rip the Velcro off my gloves and shake my hands free. Leaning on the ropes, Lucas, from outside of the ring, throws me a water bottle.

“Well, next time you feel like punching the shit out of someone, ask Lucas. He could use someone messing up his pretty-boy face.”

Lucas flips Hayden the bird. “You’re just jealous.”

Sidling up next to me, Hayden says, “You wanna tell us what’s eating at you?”

“No.” Tilting the bottle in the air, I squirt water into my mouth. I see Hayden and Lucas exchanging a strange look.

Hayden pulls the pads off his hands and tosses them on the floor next to my gloves. “A little birdie told us something happened at the shoot.”

Lucas snickers. “More like an angry bird.”

Snatching a towel off the rope, I wipe at the back of my neck and flick the towel over my shoulder. I pick up my gloves and duck under the rope, making my way into the changing room. Unfortunately, my brothers follow close behind. I have a solid idea what they’ve heard. It doesn’t mean I want to talk about it. Sitting on a bench, I unwrap the strapping from my hands. Hayden and Lucas lean on the lockers opposite me.

“Are you going to tell us what happened?” Hayden asks.

“Why don’t you tell me what you know?” Sometimes I wish they left me the hell alone. They nag more than our mother ever did.

“We’d rather hear it from you. Bianca’s take on it was kinda nasty. That woman’s claws were out and were ready to slice Harper to shreds,” Lucas says.

I need to have a talk with Bianca. Treating Harper the way she has is unacceptable. God, I can’t talk. I’m just as big an asshole as Bianca is—only worse. I fucked Harper! I wonder if there’s a special place in hell for people like me. “Harper had an incident with the dogs on the shoot. She’s scared of them, remember? I took her into a trailer to calm her down.”

Hayden crosses his arms over his chest. “Yeah, I remember. It’s what happenedinthe trailer we want to know about.”

Getting to my feet, I open a locker and pull out my bag, stuffing my boxing gear inside. I will not tell my brothers what I did with Harper. It isn’t any of their damn business. Plus, I’m still pissed at myself for my lack of self-control.

“She wanted to talk. I didn’t want to listen. That’s all.” I slam the locker door shut.

Hayden steps in front of me, blocking my way out of the changing room. He ignores the annoyed glare I throw at him. “Why didn’t you want to talk?”

With a heavy sigh, I set my bag on the bench. “I don’t care about whatever she has to say.”

“Why don’t you care what she has to say?” Hayden insists.

Man, Hayden is a tenacious bastard. I huff with frustration. “It’s been years since I’ve seen her. It’s old news. I don’t care anymore.”

Hayden leans back on the locker. “I don’t think that’s true. You never truly got over her.”

I jerk back like he’s slapped me. Why would he say that? “I’ve been over her for years.”

“That’s why almost every woman you sleep with has a striking resemblance to Harper,” Hayden points out with a raised eyebrow.

“They can be Harper’s doppelganger,” Lucas pipes in.

I throw Lucas a shut-the-hell-up look.

“Am I wrong?” Lucas smirks, not giving a shit. I want to smack that grin off his pretty face.

I take a step toward him, ready to follow through with it.

Hayden puts a hand on my shoulder. “Anyway, would it hurt to hear what she has to say?”

“Why is this so important to you? A few days ago, you were ready to kick her out of the building. Have you forgotten what she did to me?”

Lucas’ smile drops, and Hayden squeezes my shoulder. “No, we haven’t forgotten. We almost lost you. I hate what she did to you. Maybe if you talk to her, you can finally get some closure and move on.” I open my mouth to reject his words, but Hayden cuts me off. “Youneedto move on. What you’re doing—sleeping with these women who look like Harper—is not helping. Think about it.”
