Page 90 of Unforgettable

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“You can start by kissing me.” Being in his arms feels as natural as breathing. Never do I want to be gasping for breath again.

Groaning low in his throat, he covers my lips with his. Our mouths melding together, tongues entwining, sucking the air from my lungs. Finally breaking apart, Finn’s gaze travels over my face. He links his fingers through mine and brings my hands to his mouth, kissing each fingertip. “You’ve made me the happiest man in the world.”

I can’t believe this is my life now. Never could I imagine it working out this way. “Thank you for buying the cabin for me. This place will always be special. Although, I can only accept it on one condition.”

Finn cocks an eyebrow. “What’s the condition?”

“This cabin isn’t just mine. It’s ours. I want to make new and better memories here…with you.”

His lips quirk into a smile. “Deal. I want you to know, Harper, that you are my home. Whether it’s here, New York City, or fucking Timbuktu, my place is with you. You’re stuck with me.”

My heart flutters. “Forever?”

Finn places a gentle kiss on my lips. “For as long as you want me.”

Cupping his face, I say, “I will always want you.”

Finn rests his forehead on mine. “Then forever it is.”



One year later

Standingbythelake,I wrap the blanket tight around my shoulders. I love this time of the morning at the cabin. It’s so peaceful and quiet. I wish I could spend more than weekends here, but with work and finishing my degree, I have to spend most of my time in New York City. Watching the mist swirl over the water until the first rays of the warm sun evaporates it, I draw in the tranquility. The only sounds are coming from birds waking up in nearby trees and frogs croaking among the weeds lining the shore. Breathing in the cool air, I smile. Never did I imagine I’d ever feel such peace again. Spending time at the cabin I love with the man I adore; I have to pinch myself.

Rubbing a loving hand over my still-flat belly, I hear my husband’s footsteps on the timber jetty. When he reaches me, he slides his arms around my waist, pulling me back to his front. He rests his chin on my shoulder and turns his head to kiss my cheek.

“Good morning,” he says, his voice husky from sleep.

“Good morning.” I turn around to face him, placing my hands on his hips.

Life the past year with Finn has been wonderful. We’ve been making up for lost time with plenty of love and laughter. Two months ago, we got married in a simple ceremony by the lake with our closest friends and family. It was magical and everything I could have wished for. With the news I’m about to tell Finn, our lives are going to become even better.

“Are you ready to head back to the city soon?” Finn asks. “Tonight, I’m taking you out to celebrate you passing your exams.”

I blow out a breath. “I’m so relieved I passed.”

Finn brushes a lock of hair from my face. “I knew you would. I’m so proud of you.”

“Just five thousand more exams to go!” I laugh. How am I going to finish school with a newborn? Oh well, we’ll figure it out.

“You’ll smash them all,” he beams with confidence.

“I’m so grateful for your support, especially when I wanted to quit.” So many times, I thought my creativity sucked and I couldn’t keep going. Finn always helped me through.

“Does this mean you’ll come back to Alessi’s and design for us?” Finn quirks an eyebrow.

He knows my reasons for not working at Alessi’s. I want to make it on my own without the help of my husband’s company. That hasn’t changed. Although, he likes to jokingly ask from time to time.

“After I finish my degree, you won’t be able to afford me.” I give him a teasing grin.

“That is true.” He chuckles. “Where would you like to go for dinner?” he asks.

“I think we should cancel dinner and stay in tonight.”

Finn frowns with concern. “Is everything okay?”
