Page 4 of Shipwrecked Curves

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I didn’t ask him on the phone, but I’m dying to know why he isn’t using social media more for his business. In a tourist town, I would think you have to make the most of the time when people flock to the area and social media is the way to do it.

Or I could be naïve about what it takes to run a business. I’m just a glorified assistant and secretary as it is.

When I pull up to the marina, there’s a tall man with short brown hair and a five o’clock shadow pacing near the entrance. My stomach sinks because I have a feeling it’s Hayden. When I step out of the car, I close the door and he looks at me instantly. The glare he’s leveling me with has me wishing the ground would open and swallow me whole.

Of course, he’d have to be sexy as hell. Right? Because making a good first impression with the most attractive man I’ve ever seen would be awful. Clearly.

His shoulders are broad and then taper down to a trim waist where swim trunks are hanging pretty low. It’s clear he’s fit from the way the plain white t-shirt he’s wearing is stretched across his chest. His dark eyes are smoldering as I start approaching him and not in a sexy, wanna rip your clothes off sort of way. Well, maybe there’s a little hunger there, but it’s drowned out by annoyance and frustration.

“Are you Hayden?” The man continues to glare at me, and I duck my head before clearing my throat and forcing myself to look back up into his eyes. “I’m Bristol. We spoke on the phone?”

Yikes. Did that really come out as a question? As if I’m not sure if we spoke on the phone, which we did and I’m very aware of it. I couldn’t forget that gruffness if I tried.

And it’s kind of been haunting me since I spoke with him.

Because his voice was sexy as hell.

Now he’s just staring at me like he wishes he were a magician instead of a fisherman because then he’d have the ability to make me disappear. But without the trick boxes and distraction techniques. Actually, he’s probably more dangerous than the average magician. You know, considering he has the whole water funeral option going on with his chartered boat and all.

“You’re late,” his voice is rough and sounds even better in person than it did on the phone. Which is hot, don’t get me wrong, but it’s full of accusation that has my spine straightening.

“I am late.” I try and sound contrite, “I apologize.”

He narrows his eyes. “Do you think that only your time is valuable?”

My mouth falls open and I blink up at him a few times. Is this guy for real right now?

“I’ve been traveling all day. I checked into my hotel. I’m sorry it took me a few minutes longer than I thought it would. I thought I gave myself enough time, but I didn’t because my crystal ball is broken at the moment,” I sass him, my hands finding the way to my hips as I glare right back at him.

The corner of his mouth twitches, again, sexy as fuck, but he doesn’t smile at me, and his mask stays firmly in place. What the hell?

“I have things to do today,” he grunts at me.

“What? Like another charter?” My heart sinks at the thought of costing this guy money. I respect his business, even if he is kind of an asshole. “I’m more than willing to pay you for your wasted time.”

He scoffs and crosses his arms across his chest as he looks at me. “You want to buy me?”

My eyebrows pull together because I wouldn’t put it exactly like that. It’s not like we’re talking about sexual favors here, but his time is his business. Right?

“Uh,” I start, my face contorted in confusion. When my phone rings, I pull it out of my purse and he huffs as if I’m inconveniencing him, as if I’m not the damn customer here. Boone’s name and picture flash across the screen and Hayden leans forward slightly to see who is calling me. I decline the call and clutch the phone against my chest as I stare at him. “Excuse me. Rude much,” my voice sounds a little shrill which, I know, isn’t a good look for anyone.

“Boyfriend?” There’s a warning in his tone I don’t understand at all. Why would he care? Why is it any of his business?

“That’s not any of your business, Mr. Owen,” I bite out.

“Hayden,” he corrects me, his eyes boring into mine.

Wow. His eyes are so dark brown, they almost look black, but then the sunlight shifts slightly and the gold flecks around the iris glimmer in a way which takes my breath away. My hands wish they were holding my camera, but it’s one of those things you have to see to believe, and a camera wouldn’t be able to capture it.

At least, not a camera in my hands.

And it would probably be strange if I just snapped a picture of this broody, grumpy man’s iris.

Yeah, he probably wouldn’t like that much at all. Then he’d accuse me of wasting more of his time. I’m sure. Because that’s all I’m hoping to do here, it’s not like I have a job to do or anything and he’s going to be paid to do a job himself.

His voice resonates through my body, sending vibrations through me that make me want to run away from him as fast as I can and simultaneously wrap myself around him, “Who is Boone?”

“Boone really isn’t any of your business, Hayden,” I sneer.
