Page 17 of My Fake Boyfrenemy

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I wonder if it's got anything to do with the loved-up display Marnus and I have put on. The resort is large, but it's Murphy's Law that when you want to avoid someone, you always end up running into them.

He would've seen us at least a dozen times during his stay, each time both of us making an effort to look madly in love.

Even if it didn't require a whole lot of acting on my part.

Since that first night we were together, my feelings have only grown stronger, solidified fromthinkingI was in love with Marnus toknowingI am.

It's too early to say that, obviously, but we'll get there. I know we will.

I finish processing the check-out and am about to bid Reece a polite, professional farewell when I stop myself.

Maybe I shouldn't say it, but something compels me. "I need to say one thing to you."

"What's that?"

"You really hurt me. You invalidated my feelings, and you judged me when I had no intention of ever doing anything to deceive you. I was only being honest with you."

Reece stares at me for a moment, tapping his fingers against the edge of the counter. "Yeah, well, I've dated bi guys before and it's always ended badly. I didn't want to go through that again."

"I'm sorry that happened to you. I really am. But Reece, I'm not them. I'm who I am, and you should have known me well enough to know that I'm honest and treat people with kindness and respect."

"Yeah, well…" He's got nothing more to add.

I suppose hoping for an apology was a long shot. Oh well. We'll probably never see each other again, and really, that's for the best. At least I got to say my piece.

It sucks how much he hurt me, but then again, if he hadn't come here on his honeymoon, who knows how long it would've taken for Marnus and I to get our shit together.

"I wish you well," I say, and surprisingly, I mean it.

When you're happy, you tend to be too focused on that to have the energy to wish bad things for others.

"Thanks. Same to you." He grabs his phone and takes off. After a few strides, he stops and turns around to face me. "For what it's worth, I'm…sorry. You and Marnus seem great together. I hope you guys have a great future."

I smile. I have a feeling we will.

* * *

Three months later…

"Have I told you that I hate you recently?"

The movie's just finished, and Marnus and I are sitting on the sofa, hand in hand. His question hangs in the air between us.

"Hmm, let me think about it." I rub my popcorn-salted fingers down his exposed forearm. "No, I don't think you have."

"Hey." He moves away, brushing his arm, pretending to be upset. He's not. He loves it.

"Why do you ask?"

He stops dabbing at his arm, his eyes shooting to mine. "Well, we've been going out now for a few months, and I thought it was time to tell you."

I don't get it. "Am I missing something?"

His lips quirk. "I'm saying I hate you, but I think I'm mispronouncing the word. It's spelledL-O-V-E."

"Oh,riiiight." My heart starts beating double time. "Makes total sense that you'd struggle with the pronunciation of a one-syllable word."

A pillow narrowly misses my head. "And you have shocking aim. You're literally sitting right next to me. How'd you miss?"
