Page 121 of Trained

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“Sure,” I reply. “What about?”

“An offer for Mr. Dent that we’re prepared to make.”

“Shouldn’t that be between you and his council?”

“I wanted to be sure you were on board,” Nolan explains. “After hearing your statement, it sounds like you are.”


“What’s the offer?”

“I’m going to tell you something that doesn’t leave this room. Understood?”


“Respectfully, that’s not something I’d normally agree to.”

“Of course,” says Nolan. “But I think you’ll want to. Trust me?”

I guess I have to know.


“Kate, I’m a part of an organization that could have helped you, had we known where you were or who was responsible. We could use your help, and could help you in turn — and the same goes for Ingram. His skills under our direction could do a lot of good in the world.”

What a surprise.

Ingram is a gun, and they want to be the one to point it.

“What does he get out of this?” I ask.

“He won’t go to trial and likely spend the rest of his life in jail, Kate.”


“I think he’ll go for it, Quinn. He wants to make up for his past. I mean it.”

“Good,” she says, getting up. “That’s great news.”

As I stand, I realize my heart’s racing.

This is it. Ingram’s going to get his chance — to right his wrongs, and to be with me. And together, we’re going to bring a lot of bad men to justice.

“Quinn,” I say as we head to the chamber’s exit. “This organization. What’s it called?”
