Page 39 of Daddy Defends

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If he said that he would home at a certain time, that was the exact time he’d be back. Not a minute early, not a minute late.

If he promised not to laugh at your coloring in, no matter how many times you’d gone over the lines, and no matter how horrendous your color combinations were, he would be completely stony-faced as he said, sincerely, “I love it.”

Esme knew that she could rely on him. So, when he asked her to put on a show, she’d barley even considered it before accepting the challenge. She knew he wouldn’t judge. She knew he’d be supportive.

Didn’t make it any less nerve-wracking. Didn’t make her feel any less dumb for what she’d decided to show him.

But still, she knew what to expect.

“Are you ready out there?” she asked. Her body was trembling. She’d been limbering up for at least ten minutes, trying to push herself so that she was ready for this.

“Ready as I’ll ever be,” Rainer said.

Well, Esme, here goes nothing.

She hit the play button on her phone, and “Toxic” by Britney Spears started to play. It was tinny, and the bass was almost non-existent, but having the music on made her feel a little more confident.

Esme walked in slowly. She was wearing averyrevealing outfit. Well, it was less of an outfit and more of a leotard — flesh-pink, like a second skin.

Instantly, Rainer’s eyes widened. She wondered exactly what kind of show he thought he was about to get.

“When I was a young woman,” she said, stepping in daintily, “I was into contortionism.”

The music swelled, and Esme eased into her first pose — the splits. She felt discomfort as she moved down, but it was nowhere near as bad as she was expecting. It was amazing just how much her body remembered. The yoga had definitely helped, but without her original contortionist training, she wouldn’t be able to do this.

It was impossible not to feel the sexual tension of the situation. She pushed her pussy down into the ground, and Rainer gaped as she started to gently bounce up and down, pushing the stretch further with each breath.

“Holy f…iddlesticks,” Rainer muttered under his breath.

Esme couldn’t help but smile.


He’d never seen anything like it. The shapes she was making seemed impossible. Pulling her legs over her head, bending her body so acutely that she looked like a human pretzel.

He sat there, watching her, with the music pounding, and he felt his cock lengthening and thickening in his pants, almost like it was struggling to get free.

She was so… fucking… bendy.

It was impossible not to imagine all the shapes the two of them could make, together. Her legs wrapped aroundhishead. Her legs spread so wide, making so much space for him. Her muscles were strong, her tendons supple. He could only imagine how welcoming her pussy would be.

At one point, she put her foot up on a chair and did the splits onto it in such a way that she really looked like she was gonna snap. But there was no effort on her face – just a happy, calm smile that was making his stomach do somersaults.

“How are you doing that?” he asked.

“I don’t know.”

“Does it hurt?”

She bit her lip and looked at him with those vulnerable green eyes. “It feels good, Daddy.” Her eyes flashed to his crotch. She had to have seen his cock there, straining against his pants.

Esme stood, letting him marvel for just a second at the insane sexual energy she was pushing out, and then, she bent over backward and grabbed hold of her ankles. All he could do was stare at her in awe.

By the end of the performance, a sheen of sweat was visible on her. There was a flush in her cheeks. Somehow, it made her look even more beautiful.

She bowed. Rainer clapped.

“No exaggeration. That was the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen.”
