Page 42 of Daddy Defends

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“Not much will change, day to day. You were already on a daily routine that was similar to this.”

“Yeah, but now it’s all written down. Feels like I have to do it.” Her heart had been fluttering the whole time they’d been organizing the plan, mainly because she knew that after the plan, they were going to be making the rules and punishments official, too.

“Now, Esme, I wanted to ask you, how do you feel about living here, with me, for a while?”

“Really?” Esme’s heart almost stopped from excitement. No-one had ever asked her to live with him before. Obviously, this was a bit of an unusual situation. It wasn’t like Rainer was asking her to move in permanently, or because he loved her. But still, it had to mean something, didn’t it?

“Of course. I know it’s a big step, and I’ll completely understand if you’d rather take more slowly. It’d just be easier logistically.”

“Sure. Logistically.”

“Right. Plus, there’s the fact that I’m crazy about you and I want to spend all my time with you.”

Esme’s mouth hung open in surprise. “You’re crazy about me?”

“Can’t you tell, babygirl? I feel very, very strongly about you.”

She was lost in his warm eyes again. Felt like the world was spinning. “Well… that’s nice.”

His grin made her whole body hum with pleasure. “Good. So, what do you think?”

“I’ll stay here. Might need to pick up a few things from my place.”

“Course. Whatever you need. Leave whatever you want here. Treat it like your place. Well. Almost.” He took out a fresh piece of paper. “Rule one: everything has its place. We’re going to be living in an organized, tidy home. Understood?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

“I’m going to be strict about this. We don’t just tidy once a week. No. It’s a mindset. We deserve to live in a tidy home, so it will be tidy always. We put things away after we use them. If we spill something, we clean it up. With me?”

This was going to be a challenge for her.

“I’ll do my best.”

“I know it’s going to be hard, but if I’m going to be your Daddy long-term, then this is a rule that we’re going to have to stick to. And my punishment will be strict.”

She gulped. Even thinking back to the painful spanking she’d received at his hands made her quiver and shake.

“Rule number two: do as Daddy says. It’s a simple one, but it’s all about trust. I have your very best interests at heart. I have done ever since you puked up all over my favorite t-shirt.”

“That was your favorite?” It had just been a simple white t-shirt as far as she could remember.

“Mmmhmm. Don’t remind me.”

“Eeek. I think I can obey you, though. I trust you. I really do.” She reached forward and squeezed his hand.

“I’m glad. Trust means everything to me. I promise I’ll never lie to you.”

“I promise that, too.”

“That’s a good rule. No lies — actually, let’s phrase it more positively.”

He wrote: “We will always be honest with each other.”

A few more rules went down without too much discussion.

Always let Daddy know where you are.

Always shower after a workout.
