Page 47 of Daddy Defends

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“Of course you have. No message to let me know that you were going to be late?”

“I… I… it was only a few minutes.”

“Almost twenty.”

She looked deeply ashamed. “I’m sorry, Daddy. I didn’t mean to upset you. I just… I j—”

“You wanted to push your limits, didn’t you?”

For a moment, it looked as though she was going to deny it, but she knew better than that.

“I’m sorry, Daddy.”

It was so hard to see her face lined with sadness, but it was important that he let her know how worried he’d been. “I understand. Every Little girl needs boundaries. You’re trying to figure out what kind of Daddy you’re working with. It makes sense. But let me tell you, this isnota healthy way to test those boundaries. Going to bed later than normal or refusing to eat your greens is one thing, but this is completely different.”

Esme was wringing her hands together and frowning deeply. There was something more going on, he could just tell. He was about to say something when Esme burst into tears. She sobbed big, ugly, heaving sobs.

“I’m sorry Daddy. I was s-stupid, so stupid.”

“It’s okay baby, I didn’t mean to be so hard on you.” He reached forward instinctively, pulling her close to him. “I was too hard, wasn’t I?”

“No,” she sniffed. “I deserve to be told off. I deserve punishment. I just… I just…”

“You can tell me, sugar. Anything.”

“It was Kelly’s idea. Kind of. Or at least, she put the idea in my head.”

He was confused. “Kelly told you to be late?”

“No, she didn’t. Oh, this is gonna make me sound so dumb.”

“I won’t judge.”

There was a big sigh, and then Esme said, “I was worried you’d gone off me.”

“What? What gave you that idea?”

“It’s just, we only kissed once. I thought you’d changed your mind. Like, you didn’t find me attractive. Or that since I started living with you, you found me annoying, or… or… too childish and silly.” She was crying again now, her tears moistening Rainer’s chest as he held her close to him.

“Babygirl, nothing could be closer to the truth.”

“I thought that if I did something naughty, you might spank me again, and that might lead to more, and then…”

“I get it, sweetheart, I get it.” He stroked her head. “You were feeling vulnerable, huh?”

“Big time! It’s like my soul’s on display!”

“You’re not in trouble. Well, I mean, you’re gonna get a punishment for being late — that’s a given. But, I don’t blame you for the way you’re feeling. Sounds like I need to be more honest with you. More open. And maybe, after your punishment, I can make you feel good.”

His hand strayed down, onto her butt. He gave a slight squeeze and felt her react to his touch. She felt so good in his arms. He never wanted to let go.

“You’d make me feel good down there?” she whispered.

“I’ll make you feel good exactly where you need to feel good, babygirl,” he replied.

Esme kissed his neck and nuzzled into him, making soft, snuffling sounds. “I want to be braver when I’m around you, Daddy. I want to be okay with being seen. With being me.”

Rainer stroked her hair. “You deserve to be seen, darling. You’re a superstar.”
