Page 66 of Daddy Defends

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Overbreakfast,theygrinnedlike Cheshire cats. They flirted like drunks. They giggled like schoolgirls.

There was magic in the air, and both of them could feel it. Rainer fed Esme a spoonful of cereal, and Esme poured cream into Daddy’s coffee like a good girl. Om Baby sat nearby, her presence a reminder of their acceptance of each other.

He loved her. He’d said it. Hadn’t even thought about it. He meant it more than anything he’d ever said in his whole damn life.

Later in bed together, after he’d read her a story and she’d kissed him about a million times, she’d pulled him in close and said, “Om Baby says that she loves you too, Daddy.” He thought it had been fitting she’d used Om Baby to tell him her feelings again.

In Rainer’s dreams, they’d be spending the whole day together, taking a day off yoga and work and just about everything but each other. Bad sadly, that couldn’t happen.

Today was the day of the election. In just a few hours, the future of the Drifters MC would be decided. Rainer would have to head to the Den. As per Dog’s request, Littles weren’t allowed at the bar today. There had been some consternation and argument about that, but in the end, Rainer had relented.

As to the question of becoming President of the club, Rainer wasn’t sure how he felt about it. He hoped that he would win — he thought. Part of him worried that he should be more anxious about the vote. But another, bigger part of him knew that — in a way — it was a good sign that he didn’t mind so much.

He remembered something his dad had told him about politics when he was growing up: “Anyone who wants to be in charge should be banned from being in charge.” At the time, he hadn’t really understood what his old man had meant. But now he was older, he got it. A personality that’s drawn to power is necessarily dangerous.

“Daddy? You okay? You’ve gone quiet.”

Esme had been coloring a picture of a motorcycle that Rainer had printed out for her. He’d been watching, cooing at how careful she was being, letting her know how clever she was to be staying in the lines so well.

“I’m alright. Just thinking about the election.”

“It’s a big day, huh?”

“I guess so. Truth is… I don’t know what the right thing for the club is.”

“It’s you!”

“You sure?”

“Mmhmm,” she said, sticking her tongue out in concentration as she filled in the front fork. “You’re the cleverest, bestest Daddy ever.”

“I’m thinking I haven’t done enough to show the others that.”

“Everyone knows it.”

She was so sweet. He got the impression that she really believed it, too.

“You always help people. You’ll work on anyone’s bike. When there’s trouble, you’re the first to say you’ll deal with it. You never make a fuss. And you don’t even mind when people vomit all over your favorite t-shirt.”

She looked up at him with those big green eyes. She was his. He could scarcely believe it.

“When I joined the MC, I swore an oath. That nothing would come before the club, before my brothers. But you know, Esme, you’re the most important thing in my life. More important than anything else. If you were in trouble, if you needed me, I’d drop everything and come to you. The club doesn’t even come close.”

“I don’t deserve you.” She let her head rest on Rainer’s arm.

“You do. You deserve so much better than me.”

“Can I ask you something, Daddy?”


“Remember when I did that tarot reading for you? You got mad. Told me to leave.”


“Sometimes I get scared and think that something like that might happen again. That you might just kick me out. You might change your mind about me.”

Rainer nodded. He knew this would come up sooner or later. In truth, he was happy she’d felt comfortable enough to bring it up at all. “I understand, sweetheart. I hurt you that day. It must be hard to trust me.”
