Page 68 of Daddy Defends

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“Sorry, just thinking about making popcorn,” Sophia said, grinning.

“You’re both impossible,” Rainer said. Then he blew his Little a kiss and stepped into the future.


Therewasnomusicat the Den today. It was far too serious for that. The candidates had a five-minute window — a last-ditch effort to win the hearts and the minds of the club members before the votes would be cast.

Tatiana, who had become more and more involved in the running of the club since Marcus’ passing, had been busy setting up a ballot box and private voting booths. Now, everything was ready to go.

“This is a big day,” Tatiana said. She was holding court at the front of the room, eyes scanning the collection of club members who’d come to be part of such a huge moment. “The day we decide on the soul of the club. We have two candidates for presidency. Dog and Rainer. Each different but each dedicated to the MC, in their own way. First up, Dog’s going to speak for a few minutes, and he’ll be followed up by Mr. Ortiz.”

Rainer was interested in what Dog was going to say about the election. He hadn’t heard anything from his opponent since he’d dropped his bike around to his apartment. No doubt he’d been canvassing the other members, working overtime to ensure he got the votes he needed. It was going to be an interesting contest.

Dog stood up and headed to the front. There was a grim, determined look on his face.

“Gentlemen,” he began. He was looking a hell of a lot better than he had the other day. There was no bruising on his face at all, and no evidence of the wound that had caused so much bleeding. Damn, he’d healed up perfectly. “I stand in front of you today as the only qualified candidate for the presidency of our club.”

There was a murmur of disapproval from the club members. Saying Rainer wasn’t qualified was a direct insult.

“What does that mean?” Baron asked. He was always swift to stick up for Rainer.

“We all remember our oaths, don’t we?” There was a definite swagger to the way Dog was speaking. He was acting like it was in the bag. “We took them after the hazing, after our trial periods as prospects. I remember mine as clear as it were yesterday.” He began to recite, and as he did, the whole room began to join in. “I will uphold the rules of the MC. I will aid my brothers whenever they need me. I will obey the command of the club President. Everything else comes second to the club.” Then, he repeated, “Everything else comes second to the club.”

He let those words ring around the Den. Then, a moment later, Dog said, “Jackie, roll the tape.”

A biker with long black hair pressed a button on his phone, and a moment later, a recording started playing over the club speakers.

It took Rainer a moment to realize that it washisvoice.

“When I joined the MC, I swore an oath. That nothing would come before the club, before my brothers. But you know, Esme, you’re the most important thing in my life. More important than anything else. If you were in trouble, if you needed me, I’d drop everything and come to you. The club doesn’t even come close.”

As the message played out, the eyes of the other club members fixed on Rainer. He didn’t even have to think abouthowthis had happened. Obviously, Dog had put a bug inside the hog he’d tricked Rainer into taking possession of. It was obvious now — the whole thing had been a ruse. There had been no accident, no injury. Only foul play.

How could Rainer have been so stupid? How could he have let himself trust a snake like Dog? Maybe it was just his fucking destiny.

“Brothers,” Dog said, “I put it to you that I’m the only qualified candidate. The only non-oath-breaker.” He didn’t say another word, he just sat back down.

A murmur of uncertainty echoed around the bar, as the members of the club tried to process what was happening. Rainer’s head was spinning. What could he possibly say to persuade the Drifters?

He rose, slowly, then took his place in the middle of the room. For some reason, all he could think about was Esme. She felt suddenly so far away from him, so vulnerable.

“Brothers,” Rainer said. “I said those words. You know I’m an honest man. You know that I would never spy on a potential rival or use trickery to further my own ends.” Dog shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “But honestly, I don’t blame Dog. He wants to be Prez. I never wanted that. You know me. It would be pointless to pretend otherwise.”

More murmured conversation from the room. Maybe everyone thought that he was throwing in the towel.

“I don’t want to be President. I want the club to decide our future together. As one. I’m not standing here because I think I know best. Or because I have some grand vision for the future of the club.” He drew in a deep, deep breath. He was about to stray into some very dangerous waters, but he knew that he had to go there, for the good of the club. “I’m here because Iknowthat Dog is the wrong person to lead us.”

Dog shook his head and tutted.

“Honestly,” Rainer continued, “I think it was a mistake to let him back into the club at all. We’re talking about a guy who left. Who dropped his cut on the ground and walked out when we needed him the most. We’re talking about a guy who defied Marcus, who insulted him.”

Rainer could hear mutterings of agreement from around the room. He had to keep going. He knew it.

“But leave all that aside. Let’s forget about his disrespect, his disloyalty. Let’s focus on what he’s talking about for the future of the club. He wants guns. He wants drugs. He wants power. If he gets his way, there will be no Littles in the Den. Fuck, there would probably be no Littles, period. I get it. This ain’t a normal MC. But then if it was a normal MC, we wouldn’t all be members, right?”

A more full-blooded wave of agreement came back to him this time.

“Now, I don’t know what the club’s gonna choose to do if I become Prez, but I’ve got a feeling that we’re not gonna be needing guns. We’re not gonna be dealing drugs. And we’re not going to be getting into prostitution. If I’m made Prez, I’ll be doing everything to get back to the soul of the club: riding hogs and protecting Littles.”

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