Page 73 of Daddy Defends

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Hank “Whip” Groat. The head of the Death Division Motorcycle Club. He was the reason that the Drifters had been forced out of New York City for ten years. He was the reason that Marcus was scattered across the state right now.

It was all Whip.

“I like you, Rainer,” Dog continued.

Rainer couldn’t stop looking at Esme. There was blood smudged on her chin, but apart from that, he couldn’t see any wounds. If he found out that they’d hurt her there would be hell to pay. Fuck. The thought of it was making him rage inside. It was taking all of his self-control not to just run up to Dog and beat him around the face.

“Yeah, well I think you’re a piece of fucking shit.”

Dog smiled. “Fair enough. I guess that’s fair enough.”

“Why don’t you just kill him?” That was Whip. He looked like he’d put on some weight in that prison. Rainer thought back to his time inside. He suffered every damn day that he was locked away. Seething with resentment and even guilt — guilt that he’d let himself be taken advantage of in such a heinous way. Clearly, Whip wasn’t suffering with guilt. Not at all. Looked like he was living a comfortable, happy life. There had to be lots of sympathetic prisoners in there. People affiliated with the Death Division. And obviously, he had the use of a phone.

Something needed to be done about it.

“I don’t want the mess,” Dog said. “If you really want me to take over the club, Whip, then this has to be done my way. Exactly as we discussed.”

Esme looked terrified. Rainer’s mind raced, as he desperately tried to work out the best way out of this situation. It was so, so, so fucked. There was nothing he hated more than feeling powerless.

“What’s the point of all this?” Rainer asked.

“The point is,” Dog replied, “I’m going to make you an offer that you can’t refuse. Just like in the movies. Lucky for you, there ain’t even going to be any horse heads involved.”

There was some laughter by the other two bikers in the room. Far as Rainer could see, there were only three armed men here. It made him sick — he wouldn’t have a chance if he did anything stupid, but he was sure with the amount of adrenaline pumping around his body right now, he could take them in a fair fight.

Of course, this wasn’t a fair fight.

“What’s your offer?”

“Kevin,” Dog said, “hand over the tickets.”

Kevin — that was the name of the pathetic stalker who Whip had sprung from prison — looked confused. “The tickets? But… why?”

“Because they don’t belong to you.”

“B-but, you said I could take my princess to C-Costa Rica.”

In that moment, Rainer almost felt sorry for the poor idiot. They’d clearly sent him along to do their dirty work to hide their identity for as long as possible, to maintain plausible deniability. Now that he could see the plan, it had Death Division fingerprints all over it.

“Yeah well, life ain’t fair kid. You’re not going to Costa Rica with anyone. Just be grateful that you’re not going back to prison.”

“S-sir, I want my tickets. I need to be with Esme, that’s—”

The gunshot was deafening in the enclosed space of the warehouse. Kevin didn’t even know he’d been shot – he just hit the ground quietly and stopped talking.

Esme let out a long, haunted scream, the sound fighting its way through her gag.

Dog didn’t point the gun at Kevin for too long. A moment later, he let the smoking muzzle drop to his hip.

“Why, Dog?” Rainer asked. He felt the senseless tragedy of the situation acutely. Kevin was an asshole, but no-one deserved to die like that.

“I told you before. I’ll do anything to get what I want. Now, Rainer, I trust you’re not going to be as dumb as Kevin.” Dog gestured to one of the gun-toting goons next to him. The guard walked up to Kevin and pulled an envelope from inside his jacket pocket.

“Take these,” Dog said. “Two tickets to Costa Rica. Business class. For you and Esme. And don’t come back. Ever.”

Rainer was confused. He was genuinely thrown by the offer. “You just want me to leave? What’s in it for you?”

“Well. I get to tell the MC that you left the country. I get to say that youdidlove your Little more than your club. I get to be right. That way, I run the club without any suspicion, and the MC can go from strength to strength.”
