Page 24 of Yes Daddy

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“Sorry, dude,” said Montague. “This is one of the perks of being a business owner. But the three of us will be back in tomorrow, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.”

“You’d better be,” Sam huffed.

Bastion turned off the projector and clapped his hands together. “I’m so up for this!” he said. “I’ve got a thirst for whiskey sours.”

“You always do,” joked Montague.

Isaac tried to push his cock discreetly between his legs as he stood up, getting ready to go.


Three glasses clinked together. Three old friends said “Cheers” and clapped each other on the back.

Things had changed since the last time they’d done this, though. Montague was getting married — again. Clearly, he was with his Forever Girl now, though. Daisy was a keeper, and it was great to see how happy they were together, but it felt like Isaac had lost his best friend in the process.

Bastion was recently divorced. His ex-wife, Clarabelle, had decided that she wasn’t a Little, after all. Never really acted like one anyway, other than the fact she always wore pink. She was actually older than Bastion — almost fifty now — and she’d decided last year that she wanted a toyboy, and ran off with a twenty-five-year-old stripper named Gav. Last time Bastion heard from her, she was pregnant with Gav’s triplets and they were running some pregnancy fetish website together somewhere.

And now, Isaac was due to get married, but the relationship was fake, and his best pals knew nothing about it.

“So… are you going to tell us where this mystery wedding venue is yet?” asked Isaac, taking a sip of his martini.

“ Nope,” replied Montague without skipping a beat, “but I think you’ll be surprised.”

“I hate secrets,” said Bastion, downing his first whiskey sour and moving onto the second, which he’d ordered himself at the same time as the first. “Secrets lead to lies, and lies lead to your wife running off with a young gigolo.”

Isaac cast Bastion a sympathetic look, but he felt a sting of guilt in his stomach. “Speaking of secrets,” he said, taking a deep breath. “I have some news.”

Bastion and Montague both looked at him with nervous eyes. Normally, when Isaac said that he had news, that meant he was about to tell them they owed money or they’d made money.

“It’s personal news, actually,” he continued. “It turns out…” He tried to keep his cool. Tried to make this seem perfectly natural. “Turns out I’m getting married myself.”

Montague and Bastion looked as shocked and confused as Isaac had expected.

“What?!” asked Bastion.

“To who?” asked Montague.

“Well, you actually know her,” said Isaac.

This was so hard. He’d been dreading this moment. He hadn’t planned on revealing the wedding to his friends today, but he needed to make it seem as real as possible. This was exactly the kind of setting he’d reveal something like this if it was real, so he had to make the most of the moment.

“You’d better not be marrying Clarabelle,” spat Bastion. “Or I’ll punch you in the head.”

“Not Clarabelle,” said Isaac quickly. “She’s someone we only recently met, actually.”

“How recently?” asked Montague, raising an eyebrow.

“A couple days ago,” said Isaac with a casual shrug.

Bastion turned pale. “It’s one of Daisy’s friends, isn’t it?”

Isaac nodded, and then cast Montague a sincere look. It wasn’t easy to be fake-marrying his best friend’s fiancée.

“I knew it,” said Bastion, his cheeks flushed. “Well, Kiera’s hot as hell, so it makes sense.” He gritted his teeth. “Didn’t think you were her type, though. Plus, she’s kind of a punk. She’d eat you alive. And I’m sure she’s nothing but trouble.”

Why was Bastion getting so worked up about the idea of him marrying Kiera? Was he into her?

“It’s not Kiera,” Isaac said. “It’s… the other one.” He couldn’t bring himself to say her name out loud. He was worried that just having her name on his lips would give him another hard-on.
