Page 25 of Yes Daddy

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“You’re marrying Peach?” asked Montague incredulously. “Daisy told me she hates you.”

“It’s… a love-hate kind of a thing,” Isaac said awkwardly.

Bastion grunted and downed his second whiskey sour.

“You yelled at her for bringing a dog into the office,” said Montague. “How did you go fromthatto wedding bells?”

“It’s complicated,” said Isaac, relieved that at least that part wasn’t a lie. “But she’s moved in with me now. And you can expect wedding invitations by the end of the week.”

“By the end of theweek?” exclaimed Montague. “You’re gonna get your invitations out before mine!”

Isaac frowned. “Not a competition, is it?”

Montague narrowed his eyes at him. “Dude, you’re making a big mistake. You can’t have fallen for her that fast. She’s using you for your money.”

He’s right, thought Isaac.But I’m using her for the marriage certificate.

“Keep the weekend free,” said Isaac.

“Thisweekend?” said Montague incredulously. “Your wedding will be before mine?”

“Not. A. Competition,” replied Bastion moodily.

The mood had changed between them all now. Isaac felt like crap. He wanted so badly to tell his friends the truth. They knew all about his family ranch, and how his aunt had inherited it instead of him. They’d have understood why he had put the plan in action…

But they’d be mad at him too. Marrying a Little on false pretenses. Involving her in his deceitful plan. Risking her happiness for his own. They’d have talked him out of the plan in ten minutes flat.

Thing is, they didn’t know Peach. They didn’t see her crying the other day. They didn’t know how much money he was giving her, and how much it could change her life. They didn’t know how much he respected her. That he felt responsible for her happiness above all else. That it would be his mission to make this deal go smoothly for her sake as much as for his own.

“Listen,” said Isaac. “I know it’s a big ask, but I’d like you to keep this between us for now.” He shot a look at Montague.

“Not a chance,” said Montague. “I’m not lying to my babygirl.”

“I’m not asking you to lie to Daisy,” said Isaac. “Just… don’t tell her yet. Peach and I want to keep it to ourselves for now. It’s all been so fast, such a whirlwind. I’ve already said too much. Just give us a couple days.”

“You’re a damn fool,” said Bastion under his breath. “She’s taking you for a ride.”

“Peach deserves more than this,” Montague grumbled.

Isaac smiled at them both, trying to deflate the tension. “How about I get us another round of drinks? I’d really like to celebrate with you guys. Trust me, this is a good thing.”

Bastion didn’t look up, but nodded grumpily.

Montague stared into Isaac’s eyes, as though trying to warn him of something.

Isaac shot over to the bar, relieved to step away from the bad vibes at the table for a moment. He knew that breaking his news was going to go down like a lead balloon, but it was an even worse reception than he’d expected. He should have prepared his friends first. Told them he was taking Peach on a date today. That he’d kissed her tomorrow. That he’d proposed to her the day after that.

Nah, who was he kidding? However he’d played it this week, his friends would have been shocked. It was all being done in a big rush, and it didn’t make any sense. Well, it didn’t make any sense tothem. But Isaac had his eyes on the prize. This time next week, he’d have told his aunt the wonderful news: that he was married and eligible to take the family ranch off her hands.

As Cindy poured the drinks, Isaac ran his eyes over the names of all the crazy freakshakes they sold here for the Littles. It was cool that Daddies Inc had set up this bar. That there was a safe social space for Daddies and Littles to hang out, and something here for everyone. To the left of the bar there was a pool table for the Daddies, and on the other side, there was a selection of board games for the Littles. He needed to find somewhere like this for the wedding. Somewhere that catered for everyone.

Unless… wait a minute. This place was perfect. It would be so simple to arrange. In fact, he could do it right now.

“Say, Cindy?” said Isaac. “Do you ever do weddings here?”

Cindy put down her cocktail shaker and smiled. “As a matter of fact,” she said, “we do.”

“How does this weekend sound? Think you could fit me in?”
