Page 33 of Yes Daddy

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Her body looked beautiful laced with delicate white bubbles. Shiny from the essential oils he’d put in the bath, making her smell of lavender and peppermint. Good enough to eat. It felt good to see her looking so at home here, too. Sitting in his rolltop bath, her cheeks pink from the steam, a content smile on her lips.

Every new light that he saw her in, he found himself admiring her a little bit more. Bathtime Peach was warm and pliant. Her mischievous side gave way to her innate ability to deeply relax. She was the opposite of him in just about every way. So full of fun, but able to rest and rejuvenate when needed. Isaac had only seemed to have one switch lately. The switch that made him work hard… and occasionally, work even harder.

The last couple days, though, since Peach had entered his life, he’d found some inner peace. And some excitement too. The kind of peace and excitement that came from emptying his balls into her beautiful mouth, yes, but it went deeper than that too. He was enjoying himself around her. Dominating her, looking after her, making her laugh and tremble and squirm and obey. It felt good. It felt real.

Which, of course, it wasn’t. Or, at least, their marriage wasn’t real. And he had to keep reminding himself of that. This was a short-term thing. Peach was most likely only doing this for his wallet. She was enjoying herself too — that was clear — but he doubted whether she’d be enjoying herself half as much if it wasn’t for the ten million dollars. And who could blame her? She was sensible to take what he was offering her.

There was this tiny part of Isaac, though, that worried that this wouldn’t be happening if it wasn’t for his money. A girl like Peach, so young and generously-proportioned and bouncy and full of life, would never be interested in a grump like him. Aging, hardened by life and all its disappointments, unable to have fun.

Still. What did it matter? If Peach was having a good time right now, and he could afford all the nice things he was buying her, where was the harm? He’d regret it if he didn’t at least allow his cock a good time.

“Your bathroom is soooo nice,” said Peach, bringing him out of his reverie.

He dipped a sponge in the water and began running it slowly down her back.

“Mmmm, that feels good.” He heard the quiet clink of her butt plug on the bottom of the bath as she shifted positions, then he saw her pulling a yellow rubber duck out of the water. “It’s funny to think about you having rubber duckies, Daddy,” she said, giggling. “Do you use them every time you have a bath?”

“They’re for guests,” Isaac said moodily.

Peach was silent for a moment. Isaac noticed her spine had stiffened. “Do you have a lot of those, then? Guests, I mean?”

Isaac took a long deep breath, then exhaled slowly. “Nope. None at all, really.”

“None?” Peach said, taken aback. “But you have such a big home. And you never share it with anyone?”

“I’ve been busy lately,” Isaac replied. “Well, I’ve been busy all my life, really.” He noticed how sad he felt when he said this. Had his entire life been in vain? All this hard work, and for what?

“I guess that’s how you got so rich,” Peach said. “Although I feel like I worked hard all my life, and somehow I ended up poor as dirt.”

“Wealth is one part hard work and one part luck,” Isaac told her. “Plus, you’ve got to be pretty bloody-minded too. Willing to sacrifice anything and anyone that gets in your way.”

Peach looked at him, screwing up her nose. “But… why? Doesn’t that make you feel kinda yucky?”

Isaac laughed. “Yes, sweetheart. It does make me feel kinda yucky. But I did it all for a reason. Originally, at least. I did it because I wanted to try to buy back my family ranch.”

“Your family ranch?” asked Peach. “Is this the one you told me about? The reason we’re getting married?”

Isaac felt a pang of grief. “Yes,” he said. “It should have been mine. My father always told me it would be mine after he died. But nobody could find the paperwork after he… after my parents both…” In spite of himself, he noticed tears collecting in his eyes. But immediately, the tears were replaced by the bitter taste of anger on his tongue. “My aunt got it. She had an older will. From before I was born. The whole place went to her. And she says she’ll never sell it to me. Not unless—”

“Unless you’re married?” Peach cut in quietly. “But… why?”

“Because she’s old-fashioned and stuck in her ways, partly. But also because she’s downright mean. She knows I’m not the marrying type. She thinks I’m a player. Thinks I’ll never settle down with just one woman… And more to the point, I think she thinks no woman would ever want to marry me.”

Peach opened her mouth, like she wanted to say something, but then she closed it again. She fidgeted, her glass plug clinking softly on the bottom of the tub again.

“Daddy,” said Peach shyly. “Would you like to get in here with me?”

Isaac smiled at her. The thought of joining this smooth goddess in the water was almost unbearably good. But he had to hold back. “No,” he said firmly. “I can’t.”

Peach looked hurt. “You wouldn’t like to get naked with me?”

Isaac ran the sponge across her back. “It’s not a good idea. I don’t know how close I could be to you naked without…”

Peach ran her tongue across her lips. Damn, she was beautiful. “And would it be so bad if we…?”

Isaac felt his cock thickening, begging him to just get in the goddamn bath with her. “We can’t,” Isaac snapped. “We can’t fuck or we won’t be able to get the marriage annulled. It’s the quickest way to reverse the marriage. If we engage in intercourse this close to the wedding, we’re in serious trouble. For one thing, it’s likely to happen again. Especially if it feels as good as I think it would feel.” He took a breath. “And for another, it’s so close to the wedding that a lawyer might argue that we basically consummated it anyway. Then we’re looking at a lengthy divorce process. A ton of paperwork. Unnecessary costs.”
