Page 41 of Yes Daddy

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Peachlookeddownather panties as she peed. They were so exquisite. The most expensive thing to have ever touched her private parts, that was for sure.

She was peeing like a racehorse. Back at the restaurant, she’d drunk so much juice, and eaten so many pancakes, that she could have spent the rest of the day lying on the couch groaning, rubbing her belly, and watching cartoons. But Isaac had other ideas.

He wasn’t at home right now. He’d had to go to work after the restaurant, which had sucked given how crappy the meeting with her friends had gone. Plus there had been that weird thing with the Defenders of Wildlife guy. Sure, he’d interrupted their breakfast to ask them for money and that didn’t seem quite right. But at the end of the day, the endangered species of this world needed urgent help and Isaac could have been more considerate.

Still, it wasn’t like he wasn’t considerate withher. He’d arranged for his driver to pick her up, and she’d enjoyed looking at all her new things back at the house. She was wearing her new sparkly sneakers indoors, which was fine because they were brand new and clean. And she had put on her strawberry t-shirt, which was definitely too tight, especially after all those pancakes, but it was super cute so what did it matter?

Then, of course, there was Alaska. The biggest teddy bear in human history. She’d have to wait until tonight to see if he fit in Isaac’s bed. That is, if he let her sleep with him. Everything felt so unknown right now. She was getting married tomorrow. Did that mean she had to spend the night alone? She wasn’t sure if it was bad luck to spend the night with her husband-to-be if it was only ever going to be a fake wedding.

But… was it fake?

Isaac had pretty much admitted to her at the restaurant that he had feelings for her. But as for what those feelings were, she wasn’t exactly sure. She knew whatherfeelings were. They were backflips in her tummy. They were fireworks in her brain and sparkles in her secret place.

It was confusing, though, because at a time like this, she would have liked nothing more than to celebrate with Kiera and Daisy. They’d be so happy for her if they understood how good she felt when she was with him. And they’d be so very, very angry if they knew that the marriage was a fake.

Oh, it was all so complicated. But right now, Daddy had given Peach some orders. “Go home,” he’d told her, “and spend some time in Little Space. You have another hour of free time on your schedule before anyone is due to visit you, and I want you to use it wisely.”

“Is watching cartoons in my underwear using my time wisely, Daddy?” she’d asked him, fluttering her lashes.

“Nope,” he’d replied. “Cartoons are for good girls who’ve had a balanced and active day. I want you to do one of the following activities: coloring in, coming up with a new dance routine, or having a stuffie tea party.”

Peach had known instantly which of those appealed to her. “I can introduce Chase and Alaska!” she had said, clapping her hands together.

When Isaac had said goodbye to her, he’d given her a small kiss on the lips. It struck her that it was the first time that they’d kissed, and it felt magic. His warmth, his realness, up close and personal with her in public. It didn’t feel like they were putting on a show, like they were nothing but business partners concocting a sneaky plan. It felt like he had wanted to kiss her. It felt like he had wanted to push his body up against hers and… claim her.

She shivered with lust, trying not to think naughty thoughts as she finally finished peeing. Wearing these panties, being alone in the house… it was enough to put ideas in her head… But Daddy had told her she wasn’t allowed to touch herself without his permission. Daddy had told her to spend some time in Little Space. So that was what she was going to do.

She came out of the bathroom and lifted Alaska up off the couch. “Come here, big boy,” she told him. She placed him on one of the tall stools at the kitchen counter. Being even wider than a human being, he wobbled a little to begin with. “Sit nicely for the tea party,” she told him. “I have a very special guest to introduce to you.”

Alaska smiled happily at her and she couldn’t help thinking about the butt plug that had stretched her wide in preparation for Daddy’s cock last night.

“Ooof,” she said. “It’s going to be hard not to think naughty thoughts with you around, Alaska, my boy.”

She took the elevator upstairs to her bedroom, trying to find Chase. The room was a mess. She’d only spent one night there so far, but she’d chucked her clothes and toys around so chaotically it looked like a bomb had gone off.

“Oops,” she said to herself. “Daddy wouldn’t like this.”

Before she’d set foot here, Isaac’s place had been completely pristine. She guessed that was probably quite easy when you had as many people working for you as he did. Plus, it seemed like before she came along, he basically lived in the office. Even so, she couldn’t imagine him doing anything as wild as throwing his clothes across the room! He wasn’t that sort of guy. And before she’d met him, she’d have probably mocked a guy like that. Called him boring or a Serious Sam.

But being around him was rubbing off on her. She wanted to be a person who had nice things. There was no shame in that. Everybody wanted nice things, didn’t they? And if she had nice things, she was going to have to treat them nicely.

Before she knew what she was doing, she was folding up pants and hanging up shirts in the closet. She was arranging toys on her dresser and even humming to herself happily as she did it. All the while, Teddy looked up at her with his head cocked to one side.

What is my human doing?he seemed to be asking.Why is my human doing this tidying thing? She’s never done it before! Should I be concerned?

In spite of Teddy’s judgy face, it was satisfying work. It even made her full tummy feel better to be moving around like this.

By the time she was done, Chase was looking impatient with her.

“I want a tea party! Ruff!” he barked at her.

“Sorry, Chasey,” she said. “Let’s go downstairs and meet Alaska.”

She walked downstairs, deciding that Daddy would prefer her to be active instead of taking the elevator again. But she let Chase slide down the banister because she was trying to get back into Little Space after all that sensible tidying up she’d just done.

Alaska was right where she’d left him, like a good bear, and she placed Chase down on the countertop opposite him.
