Page 45 of Yes Daddy

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Something new: a white handkerchief with “Peach Trimble” embroidered on it in pink.

“I thought you might like something with your true name on it. You’ll be Peach Righton for a while, until the marriage is annulled. This is just a little reminder for you of who you really are inside.”

Something borrowed: a pocket book from Miami-Dade Public Library entitled:Fairytales for Girls.

“I thought I could read them to you at bedtime,” said Isaac. “If you want to share a bed, that is.”

“These are wonderful,” she blurted. “That’s so kind of you.”

“I’ve been saving the best until last,” he told her. “Something blue.” He looked around. “Where’s Teddy?”

She pointed to a scruffy little heap in the corner, and he became aware of the sound of Teddy snoring.

“Ah,” he said. “When he wakes up, you can give this to him.” He took a small blue bow tie out of the bag.

Peach burst out laughing. “Wow. He’s going to look so freaking cute in that thing! And it’s okay. You can put it on him now if you like.”

Isaac suddenly felt like this was a test. He’d walked Teddy on a leash yesterday, but now Peach was asking him to touch him. A week ago, he’d never have done it with his allergies. But today, he was going to give it a try.

He took the bow tie over to Teddy, and, carefully, he tied it around his neck. His eyes itched a little, but he survived. So did Teddy, by the looks of it. He cast Isaac a lazy look and then settled back down to sleep again. The bow tie looked perfect on him. Funny, cute, and charming, all at once.

“Hey,” said Peach. “You didn’t even sneeze.”

Isaac grinned. “I got a shot yesterday. It’s one of the things I was busy with after I left you. I started a course of immunotherapy. Felt like it was about time I dealt with my allergies.”

Peach put her hand to her mouth. “You did that for me?”

Isaac shrugged. “Well, for you and for Teddy. And for furry creatures everywhere, I guess.”

Peach looked over at Teddy, then up at Isaac. “So… you don’t hate animals?”Isaac shook his head. “No. Of course not. I’m just wary of them. Been hard to get close to them seeing as they literally make me ill.”

Peach nodded. “That makes sense. I’d be wary too if I had allergies.” She had an excited glint in her eye now, and he couldn’t help but notice that her nipples had grown hard beneath the sheer fabric of her nightie.

“Young lady,” he said, “are you thinking naughty thoughts?”

“That depends,” Peach replied. “Have I got time to be thinking naughty thoughts?”

Isaac looked at his watch. Damn. Montague and Bastion were due over to his place any minute.

“I think you’re gonna have to hold those thoughts,” he said, as his cock swelled uncontrollably, trying to tempt him to change his mind. “You won’t forget to wear that special lingerie I got for you, will you?”

“No, Daddy,” Peach replied. “I won’t forget a thing.”


Peach looked good enough to eat. A pink wedding dress with frills and lacy bit and bows, all of which showed off her incredible curves and voluptuous figure.

Isaac had written special vows for them, and it felt great saying them to her, even if their marriage was only to be a short one.

“I promise to be a faithful husband,” he’d said, “and a good Daddy. I promise to cherish you and punish you in just the right quantities. To guide you and be guided by you every day that we’re together.”

Even though they were in public, in the bar, surrounded by friends, it had been almost impossible to stop himself from getting hard. He just found the idea of getting married so damn wonderful. And getting married toher: a dream come true. He couldn’t help fantasizing constantly about pushing his Little wife over the table and claiming her as his partner today and forevermore.

Which was exactly what he wasn’t allowed to do.

Still, it felt good to pretend. Cindy had decorated the bar beautifully for them. Bunting made of pink and white teddy bears. Pink loveheart fairy lights and a pink neon sign saying “Daddy and Babygirl”. And it had all felt so magical. Seeing Teddy bring in their wedding rings on a little cushion attached to his back. Saying their vows. Cutting into their decadent red velvet chocolate cake together once the party started. Having their first dance: “Baby I’m Yours” by the Arctic Monkeys.

It all felt so… real.
