Page 16 of Rancher Daddy

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“You better keep your hands off Millie,” Chuck said, still stuck on their last topic of conversation.

“So youdothink she’s pretty?“ Duke replied.

“Takis told me that there are to be no relationships between staff members. And I think with your track record, a Little might not be the right kind of girl to mess with.”

Duke seemed suddenly serious. “My track record, huh?” He scoffed. “We’re supposed to bebrothersand sometimes I don’t think you know me at all.“ For a moment, Duke looked up at the stars, and it almost seemed as though he might be close to tears. “I’d never hurt a Little. They’re coming here for our protection, not so that we can bed them as we please. I might be a dumb prick, but I docarefor other people.”

“Shit,” Chuck said. “I’m sorry, man.”

There was a moment of silence, then Trent said: “Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t Takis meet his wife, Bunny, when she was his employee?”

“Yup,” said Duke.

“No shit.” Chuck was surprised by that fact. Also, he was surprised that his brothers knew so much about their new boss’s private life.

“As far as I’m concerned,” Trent said, “If two people are right for each other, no force in the world will keep them apart. Especially not some workplace rule.”

Duke laughed. “For someone who’s never had a girlfriend, you seem to know a lot about relationships.” Duke laughed.

“I’m an expert in relationship theory. It’s just the practice that eludes me.”

The soft drone of crickets and cicadas swallowed up their conversation for a moment, but Chuck broke the lull. “Anyway the point is, I’m not quitting. I’m staying on until the launch event for the ranch.”

“Then you’ll be handing in your notice?” Trent enquired.


“You drawing up some rules for Millie, then?” Duke asked.


“She’s a Little, Chuck. She needs rules and you need to be firm and consistent about enforcing them.” Duke was talking as though this were the most obvious thing in the world.

“I’m not a Daddy.”

“Doesn’t matter. If you want her to thrive in her role, then you’re gonna have to act like one.”

Chuck pondered this for a moment. It made sense. Even if they weren’t in a sexual relationship, they were in a professional one. And he had to take Millie’s Littleness into consideration.

“What sort of rules are we talking about?”

Duke clapped his palms together. “Get your pens out, boys, there’s a list coming your way.”


Millie found the night comforting, somehow.

If she didn’t look out of the window, she could just about imagine that she was somewhere else, somewhere familiar. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to be at Littlecreek Ranch — far from it. She’d wandered around the ranch today and had really started to be able to visualize its potential. It was such an ambitious project, but it was going to be great when it was finished. Fresh air, safety for Littles, and a bunch of caring Daddy Doms running the joint. Plus, there was so muchspace. It felt like a place you could actually breathe…

Even so, it felt as though so many things were holding her back from relaxing into the experience.

It was easy to blame Takis, Chuck, or even Bunny. But the more Millie thought about what the problem was, the more obvious it became that the problem was the same as it always was.

The problem washer.

She’d traveled halfway across the world to escape from herself, but it hadn’t worked.

“Edgar,” she said, eying up the duck who sat supportively at the end of her cozy bed, “no offense, but I need someone less ducky to talk to right now.”

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