Page 34 of Rancher Daddy

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But first, he had a job to do.

Chuck allowed his hand to hover above Millie’s butt, enjoying the sight for a moment longer. Then he brought it down, hard.


“Ow!” Millie yelped.

Chuck had been telling the truth — it did feel kind of good, but it also definitely,definitelyhurt.

He struck her again, a little harder this time.

“Ow. Ow!”

It didn’t just hurt. Itstung.

“This one’s for showing up late,” Chuck said, swatting her again.

“Owie! Owie! Owie!”

“And this one’s for disobeying me with the faucet.”

Now he was spanking her with a steady rhythm, and it was a different feeling. It was still painful, and it stung, but the pain was no longer the only thing she could register. There was the warmth spreading from his hand to her whole body, making her tingle like electricity and crackle like fire.

Millie let out a high-pitched whine, but she wasn’t sure if she was upset. The sound was more like an animal sound of pleasure.

As Chuck’s hand connected with her bottom again and again, the sensation was more intense than Millie had ever experienced. Each smack was like a tiny gift of forgiveness.

And it didn’t stop at just the rules she’d broken with Chuck. The forgiveness seemed to reach back in time.

She felt forgiveness for running away from home. Forgiveness for not doing as well in school as everyone — not the least her father — thought she would. There was forgiveness for not working a steady job. Forgiveness for her drinking. And, finally, when she thought she could barely take it anymore, there was forgiveness for falling in the championships. There was forgiveness for Wizard.

That’s when, finally, after minutes of holding out, the tears broke through.

“Babygirl?” Chuck said, his voice full of concern.

“I’m okay,” she sniffed. Then, more strongly, “No, I’m better than okay. I’m good. Really, truly, good.”


ThankgodChuckhadbeen firm with Millie about sleeping in her own place last night. After he’d spanked her in his treehouse, he’d insisted on taking her back to the ranch house, and had delivered her to her door.

“Daddy,” she’d whispered, looking around to make sure no one might overhear, “I just wish that you could sleep with me.”

He could feel the danger of the idea as she’d suggested it. In just a moment, so many filthy ideas shot through his mind that he only just managed to keep a lid on his lust. In truth, it wasn’t just the lust, either. The experience of spanking Millie had been so intense, so intimate, that he also wanted to be close to her.

On balance, though, he decided it would be better for both of them to spend the night apart.

“We’ll have plenty of time for that in the future, babygirl,” he’d said. “For now, let’s have a breather. I want you to take some time to process everything. But no guilt, remember? This is a clean slate. And you’re going to love what comes next, I promise. Now, you reallydohave an early start tomorrow, and there’s no way you’ll be getting out of work.”

“Alright, Daddy,” she’d said. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

That night, after she’d gone to bed, he’d gone back to the treehouse. He couldn’t get the image of her perfect ass out of his head, how good her body had felt leaning over his. He didn’t manage to get a wink of sleep until he’d finally jerked off, letting his hand take his mind to the fantasy of spanking her again.

As he walked to the stables the next morning, he hoped that his mind would stay clear today.

That hope evaporated when he arrived at the stable to find Millie already there.

“You’re early?” he asked, checking his watch as he did so.
