Page 41 of Rancher Daddy

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A blush spread across her beautiful cheeks. “It might hurt,” she said. “My bottom still feels like it’s on fire today.”

He thought back to the sight of that perfect ass, bent over him, totally in his power. “Sorry if it’s still hurting.”

“No,” she said, “I love it. Reminds me that I’m free.” She held his hand more tightly, gently squeezing.

For a moment, their eyes met, and the years fell away. The connection they’d always had — that strong, beautiful bond — was still there. Chuck took hold of her and pulled her in closer. As their lips met, everything else faded away — the perfection of the natural world was replaced by something else, something bigger.

The kiss was soft and long — like summer and fall, warm and gentle. But deep down, as their tongues touched and Millie wrapped one leg around Chuck’s waist, he had a feeling that was anything but gentle.


Aftertheexcitementandpassion of her day out on the ranch grounds with Chuck, Millie managed to settle into something like a routine. Chuck was clear with her: if any word about their fledgling relationship got to Takis, there would be hell to pay.

“It’s gonna be tough,” he’d said to her the following day, as they discussed the limits of their relationship, “but this is worth it.”

They decided that the most responsible thing to do was for the two of them to take everything slowly. They’d be careful about being intimate. They’d act as though they were just colleagues and nothing more. They’d sleep in separate rooms.

It was difficult. Now that she’d had a taste of being a part of Chuck’s life, she wanted more.

“If we did get caught, though,” she said one morning as they were feeding the horses, “what’s the worst that could happen?”

Chuck pondered this for a moment. “I don’t want to find out. I have a responsibility to this place, and to Takis. He’s been planning the opening party for half a year now, and the two of us are a big part of that plan.”

“You’re right,” Millie grumbled.

“I care for the horses, and I care about this ranch. Even if I’m not sure how I feel working on a vacation ranch, it’s still my family legacy.” Chuck, who was looking extra-handsome that morning in his flannel shirt and dusty cowboy boots, spoke firmly. “That’s why we’re going to make sure the ranch is ready for the opening party, and that we’re there too, Millie.”

“Okay. We can do this, together.”

His expression changed, and he seemed suddenly misty-eyed. “When I saw you in that field, with coyotes on either side of you… something changed in me. It was like this primal part, a deep, protective streak, suddenly woke up. When I saved you from those wild animals, it wasn’t just you I was saving — it was every vulnerable Little who might come to this ranch.”

“You’re a Daddy. Simple as that.”

“You think that’s what it is?”

Millie glanced at the stable door, to make sure no one was about to come in. “I know it, Big Daddy.” She licked her lips.

Chuck looked so overcome with lust, it almost seemed like he was snarling. “You better be careful calling me that, young lady. There will be hell to pay.”

“My credit’s good,” she said angelically. Her pussy, meanwhile, was having much less virtuous thoughts.

In truth, she was finding the waiting to be almost unbearable. Chuck wanted to do everything by the book. He was drafting a Daddy/Little Girl contract with Trent and Duke, who — apparently — had more experience in that world than Chuck did. He could have fooled her, though — he seemed like a natural Dom, and the dictionary definition of a doting Daddy.

With every day that passed, Millie could feel her confidence growing. Maybe it was something about being around the horses so much. Even though she hadn’t quite built up the courage to actually mount any of them by herself, she could feel her relationship with each of the beautiful creatures developing. Well — except with Thunder. That horse was still a mystery to her, and a scary one at that.

Her days had a pattern to them. Chuck had devised the daily routine for her so that she didn’t have to think about much, other than making sure she followed his instructions. She was surprised by how freeing and exciting it was to submit to someone else’s idea of what a well-structured day was.

She’d rise early — much earlier than she was used to — and she’d have a shower, before heading down to the dining room for breakfast. Takis had taken on some catering staff recently, and he was working with them to develop traditional, hearty ranch-style menus. It meant that breakfast was the highlight of the day, with grits, sausage, and cowboy beans on offer, among other more exotic choices.

Millie was growing to really like Takis. At first, she’d found him quite intimidating, but as she got to know him better, it was obvious that he had a caring, sincere heart. He always asked her about the breakfast — whether she was happy with the way it was cooked, or if the seasoning was right — and took her feedback on board. She was starting to feel like a valued, important member of staff.

Obviously, eating breakfast at the same table as the North brothers — who were all in on her regression secret — as well as Takis and Bunny, was torture. For the most part, they managed to keep the conversation light, but there were times when it really felt as though Millie might put her foot in it.

Besides the catering staff, other people had started to slowly fill up the ranch. There were a couple of Littles — a woman called Anita who was in charge of social media for the Ranch, and a man called Theo who was developing some kind of physical education program for the visitors. Anita and Theo were both a lot of fun, and she’d spent a little time playing with the two of them at the end of her work days. Anita was very,veryinto books, and had about a thousand romance novel recommendations for Millie. Theo, meanwhile, was dead set on making sure that Millie could touch her toes — something she hadn’t been able to do for a long time.

There was something in the air — a changing atmosphere. As the ranch began to fill up, there was a bubbling, exciting feeling of potential. Something special was being built here.

After breakfast, she’d head to the stable, and she’d spend some wonderful time with her Daddy. He was strict with her and didn’t tolerate any kissing or cuddling while they were working, but that just made the little snatches of intimacy they managed to grab here and there even sweeter.
