Page 60 of Rancher Daddy

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Anita snorted out a laugh. “You know,” she said, looking at the kindly older lady in the corner, “what Nanny Clara can’t teach about love probably isn’t worth knowing.”


Chuck North was exhausted. It was a good feeling. It felt as though, finally, he was doing good, honest work again.

Sure, the ranch was different these days, but it wasn’ttoodifferent. And the longer he spent with Takis, the longer he was convinced by his vision. If it hadn’t been for the insanely good offer of employment he’d received from Rosy Pastures Ranch, he’d be settling in for the long haul.

He looked up at the stars above. They were bright tonight. Maybe hewassettling in for the long haul. Why would he leave this place? There was no way he’d ever leave without Millie, for a start. Unless of course, she wanted him to. But he had the feeling from how close they were getting that she’d want to stick with him. The money that Rosy Pastures were offering was generous. And he’d probably have more autonomy there.

Before the folks from Liberty had started to arrive, Chuck had been nervous. Sure, he got on with Millie, but perhaps he wouldn’t enjoy spending time with other Littles. He was worried that he might find them too childish, or even bratty. He needn’t have worried, though. They were all of them adorable, and so much fun to be around. It was interesting to him that he felt incredibly protective around them. Like it was his job as a Daddy Dom to make sure all Littles were properly cared for.

Millie was the only one he wanted tobe with, though.

It was true: absence made the heart grow fonder.

They’d worked hard to grab snatches of intimacy in between the long shifts of patrol, gun training, and horse instruction. Even when they weren’t alone together, he loved to be near her. Watching her encourage a group of Littles to build up the courage to mount a horse for the first time had near broken his gnarled old heart.

Millie was the reason this was all so good, she was the thing that kept him going, kept him focused on the job at hand. He knew how much she was growing to care about the ranch, and that made him care for it, too.

It was a shame that they hadn’t managed to spend much time together in private, but that would come, he was sure of it.

At least, in some way, it was worth it. As if by magic, the coyote attacks had stopped. Chuck was sure that it was because he’d increased the patrols around the ranch’s land, but it almost felt too good to be true. Still, probably best not to look a gift horse in the mouth.

When he arrived back at his cabin, he was surprised to see that someone had left a note on the door. As he got closer, he saw it was folded over, and a single word was written on the front. A word that got him more excited than he’d been for days.


He opened it up and read it aloud. “Daddy, I got you a new table. You can do whatever you want with it. It’s a very, very good table, and it’s been waiting patiently for you to get home.”

He could have sworn that he heard a little snigger erupt from somewhere inside his cabin, but he chose to ignore the soft noise.

Chuck pushed the door open, and his mouth opened in surprise.

New table indeed. Milliewasthe table.

She was buck naked, of course. On her hands and knees. He let his eyes play over her perfect little body, her smooth back, her round, pert buttocks, her pink, wet pussy, and her long, silky legs.

She waggled her bottom at him suggestively. It was only then that he realized she’d tied a bright red bow around her tummy.

Chuck’s cock twitched and stiffened.

“Well, well, well, this is about the prettiest table I’ve ever owned.”

Millie was blushing hard, poor thing. He wondered how long she’d been waiting like this. Chuck smiled, and stepped forward, his hand moving to his buckle. He needed this so, so badly.

He took his time getting the belt out of the loops, and Millie whimpered in anticipation. He let his pants down, then kicked them off and put them with his boots. He dropped his shirt to the ground next, and stepped toward Millie.

As he walked toward her, he let his hand hover for a moment, lightly touching her lower back, then trailing down her side. She shuddered at his touch. He moved his hand to the side of her breast, then moved it around so that he was cupping the side of her breast with his palm.

He moved his hand from there down to her hip, then around to the front of her thigh. He let his hand play over her skin, drawing ever nearer to her pussy. He took his time, drawing the moment out. He wanted to savor this.

Millie made little sounds of frustration, but he ignored them. He liked making her wait. He liked hearing her whimper.

Finally, he moved his hand over her whole pussy, right through her new red ribbon. He felt her shiver. He felt her arousal. He almost couldn’t stand it himself.

“Feels better than any table I’ve ever owned, too.”

He watched as she screwed her eyes up with pleasure, as his fingers delved into her. He was gentle at first, working her up slowly. Her juices were flowing freely, and he loved to feel them. His fingers slipped into her easily, lubricated as they were.
