Page 18 of Healer Daddy

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There was no way she could do it. No way that she could spend any more time with him. She was so embarrassed that she wished the ground would open up and swallow her.

“I don’t want to Trent,” she said quietly. “I can’t help you. And I don’t want your help.”

Trent’s eyes widened at her refusal, but he didn’t lose his composure. Instead, his expression softened, a gentle understanding washing over his features. Slowly, he raised a hand to her shoulder, the warmth of his touch seeping into her skin.

“Okay, Patti,” he murmured, his voice a soothing balm to her frayed nerves. “I understand. Just know that I appreciate your honesty, and I’m grateful for your willingness to listen.”

For a moment, they stood there, his hand on her shoulder giving her comfort. She imagined, for a moment, what it would be like to have him as her Daddy. As a guide and nurturing carer. She would love it, clearly, but not being able to explore her sexual and romantic feelings for him would be too hard to cope with.

“Alright then.” Trent paused for a moment as if searching for the right words. “Take care, Patti. I’ll see you around. I’ll drop Lulu back at the petting zoo. She’s looking a little brighter. And, uh, the… the offer’s open. If you want a Daddy. I can do it for you. I promise I’ll respect you, and help you if I can. Tell me if you change your mind.”

Later, back in the nursery, the weight of their conversation still hung heavy in her chest. She couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something more between them—an unspoken connection that went beyond their shared love for animals and the ranch. The way Trent had touched her was special. But could she trust herself enough to explore it, knowing that her own emotional baggage might only serve to complicate things further?

The clamor of the nursery drew her back to the present, as Nanny Clara approached her with a beaming smile. “Patti, dear, why don’t you come join us for a game of duck-duck-goose?”

“Sure, Nanny Clara” Patti replied, forcing a smile and working hard to immerse herself in the playful atmosphere once again.

As the other Little’s laughter echoed around her, Patti glanced one last time at the door.

Blinkers back on, Patti.


Inherdreams,ofcourse, Trent could be her Daddyandher Dom. In dreams, strange and deep, Patti spent time naked with Trent as he tormented and touched her for hours, over and over.

“Look at me while I fuck you,” Dream Trent said, his deep brown eyes warm and soft. She felt his cock so vividly, filling her pussy so completely that she thought she might burst.

“Yes, Daddy,” Dream Patti said, squeezing the muscles of her night-time pussy tight against the girth of him.

Dream Trent laid back and let her ride him, pushing into her over and over until their breathing was labored. It was hard to know where her body stopped and his began as they moved together like liquid, in and out. Then her fantasy of Trent put his hands on her hips, stilling her movement. She knew he wanted to take control of the situation and she was ready to submit.

“You belong to me, babygirl,” he growled. He flipped her over onto her stomach with inhuman ease, positioning himself behind her. She shivered with anticipation as his hands ran over her body from neck to toes, igniting a fire inside of her deep enough to keep burning for days. He slid his fingers around to cup and grip each butt cheek firmly before delivering the first slap. A sharp, stinging smack that made Patti gasp and sent a jolt of pleasure straight through her core.

Trent continued to spank each butt cheek in turn, slowly increasing the intensity. The heat intensified until it felt like electricity was running through every inch of Patti’s body. He slid his cock deep into her again, fucking her like an animal, spanking her like a filthy, bad girl, pushing her closer and closer andcloserto the precipice of pleasure until, unable to hold back, she…

…woke up, angrily, to the sound of cockerels crowing so loudly that she couldn’t possibly ignore them.

“Not the kind of cock I was hoping to wake up to this morning,” she groaned as she hoisted herself out of bed. On the pillow right next to her was Chunky, her sloth stuffie. She had bought Chunky on the day that she quit her job at Alpha, and he’d been with her ever since. He was meant to symbolize her new, relaxed lifestyle. Gone was the stress of the city, here was the sloth-like existence of the country. “Well,” she said to Chunky, picking him up and giving him a squeeze. “At least in my dreams, I have a Daddy, even if I never get one in real life.”

The dream stayed with her all morning. She didn’t run her aerobics course that day because she wasn’t feeling up to having a bunch of people staring at her, but Patti decided to try to do a normal day’s work at the petting zoo.

It was a gorgeous Fall day at Littlecreek Ranch, and the colors of the trees were beautiful. The foliage season started early here, and Patti was startled by how dramatic the change was compared to what she normally experienced in the city.

The yellow and red hues of the trees were so vibrant that it almost hurt to look at them, and the sound of crisp leaves crunching under her feet as she walked around the ranch made her feel like she was dancing through a dream. The smell of wood burning in the distance—no doubt being burned to warm the ranch house—added to the surreal atmosphere, and her sense of wonder.

The animals seemed to share in Patti’s awe. They were all outside, basking in the sunshine and nibbling on fallen leaves.

Even though she was surrounded by nature, Patti kept thinking about the dream. She kept thinking about what it might be like to have Trent be both her Daddy and her Dom.

“Patti? Are you okay? You look like your thoughts are all over the place!” That was Thea, a staff member who’d joined about a month ago. Thea was one of the most stunning people Patti had ever met. She had thick, jet-black hair that cascaded down her back in gentle waves, and deep green eyes that twinkled like emeralds in her perfectly symmetrical face. She wore a simple but elegant dress that flattered her slim figure, and she carried herself with a sort of grace that Patti couldn’t quite put her finger on. The rumor was that she’d almost made it as an actress in LA, but something had happened to her that made her completely change the course of her life.

“I didn’t get much sleep last night,” Patti offered.

“Oh really?” Thea replied conspiratorially. “You saw Trent, huh?”

Patti’s heart skipped a beat. “No. Yes. Well, no, not like that.”

“You’re into him though, right?”

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