Page 22 of Healer Daddy

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It was so tough to be so close to her—to be able to smell her—and to know that she wanted him as much as he wanted her. It would have been so easy to slip his tongue into her mouth again, to slip his hands down her panties.

But he knew that before anything else could happen between them, theyhadto sign a contract. Patti needed him to be the Daddy Dom he wanted to be for her, and he was going to rise to the challenge.

At the end of the day, when they were both exhausted and worried about what was to come, he’d held her, briefly in his arms.

“Could I… stay with you tonight, Daddy?” she’d asked, her face pushed into his chest.

“Soon, babygirl, but not tonight. Trust me. We’re going to do this right.”

She nodded and sighed. “I… I liked being near you today.”

“I liked being near you, too.”

“For the first time in ages,” she said, “it felt like I was doing exactly what I was meant to be doing today.”

“Good,” he said. “Now get some rest. Takis will be talking to us all tomorrow about the situation. I’m expecting that we’ll have a lot of questions thrown our way. It’s going to be a long one.”

“Okay, Daddy. I’ll go to bed.”

“Good girl.”

“I like that. Being called that.”

“All little girls do.”

“Mmmhmm,” she said. Then she stood on tiptoes and pushed her lips right up next to his ear. As she whispered, he felt his cock stiffen again, for the millionth time that day. “But Ireallylike it. Like, I really,reallylike being praised, Daddy. Just thought you should know that about me.”

“Duly noted,” he said, grinning. “And I’d like to let you know that you were a good girl for Daddy then because you told me the truth.”

He could almost feel her squirming next to him.

The memory stayed with him all night, as he couldn’t help but imagine telling Patti over and over what a good girl she was, while she wrapped those perfect lips around his desperate cock.

The next morning, he made his way to the ranch house. Takis had called a general meeting for quarter to eight, and all staff had to attend. Although the meeting was bound to be difficult, Trent was looking forward to it. At least after this, the news of the illness would be out in the open, and they could start to work on the solution as a team.

He was looking out for Patti of course, and when he saw her—wearing an outrageous ensemble of a metallic crop top that showed off her toned midriff, and high-waisted, torn black jeans—he gave her a wicked smile. She returned it.

He wondered what panties she was wearing under those untidy jeans.

If we’d signed a contract yesterday, I could be spanking her ass for wearing such revealing clothes right now.

The thought of bending her over and displaying his dominance was almost too much to take.

“Thank you all for coming on such short notice,” Takis began. His voice was heavy with the weight of his words. “I’ll get right to the point. No preamble today.” He paused. “This isn’t a meeting I wanted to call. There have been a number of unfortunate occurrences recently at Littlecreek that require input and cooperation from all of us. First, I’d like Doctor Trent North to explain a medical issue we’re having.”

First? So there was more going on than just a potential epidemic?

All eyes were on Trent as he walked up to the front of the room.

“Thank you Takis,” he said. “As some of you know, and others have guessed, we have a potential epidemic on our hands.” There were some quiet gasps of surprise from the room. Duke and Chuck, who were standing at the back of the room, nodded in support. “I want you to rest assured though, we are working around the clock to deal with this situation. The pathogen is cryptosporidium, and don’t worry—itistreatable and rarely serious. The issue we seem to have is that it’s more contagious than normal. I’m liaising with a lab out of Cornell about the situation. In the meantime, we will be quarantining and treating animals that come down with the illness.”

He went on to detail the quarantine plan and took a few questions from concerned staff members.

Eventually, the ranch accountant, a somewhat sarcastic and cynical lady called Marianne, asked an important question. “Mr. North,” she said, her face more serious than he’d ever seen, “will we be shutting down the ranch while we deal with this situation?”

Before Trent could answer, Takis said, “I’ll field this one, as it relates to one of the other issues I wanted to discuss. Take a seat, Trent. Thank you.”

Trent sat down, worried about the turn this meeting was taking.
